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I frown and set the jar back, turning to face her fully. “I would never lie to you, Stella.”

Her face twists in contrition. “No, I don’t believe you would,” she agrees, dropping her chin. “But I think you would spare my feelings.”

I’m genuinely baffled. “You don’t think you’re a good actress?”

“No,” Stella responds flatly.


“It’s… I’ve been trying for years to break into the industry, and when I finally get a chance, I feel like I’ve been hired as a punchline or something. I don’t know. I can’t put my finger on it.”

I step closer and put my hands on her shoulders. “Or you were hired because the producers saw something intangible in you that was going to be great for ratings.”

She smiles shyly. “We do look good together on camera,” she offers weakly.

“That’s indisputable,” I agree, turning back to the shelves.

“Is this rice?” she giggles, showing me a canister. “They use rice in beer making?”

“You learn something new every day,” I comment. “Want to try it?”

“We could,” she says. “I like the idea of using honey, too.” She reclaims the jar I had previously discarded and stares at me uncertainly. “What do you think?” I purse my lips, afraid of making the wrong choice, and she immediately sees my distress. “You hate the idea?”

“No. Just… what if it’s all wrong? We won’t get another chance to do it right.”

She stares at me, her brow furrowing. “So what?”

“So it won’t be perfect.”

She steps closer and cocks her head toward me, reading the intensity in my eyes. “Nothing is perfect, Forrest, and no one expects that of us, the first time making beer.”

An image of my father flashes before my eyes, and Stella astutely picks up on it.

“The worst thing that can happen is that it sucks,” she reminds me gently. “So what? Gabe will be grateful if it sucks, won’t he? At least there’s that.”

My shoulders relax at her flippant response, and I exhale. “Let’s try it,” I reply. “Rice and honey brew. Why not?”

We head toward the door, and a small titter escapes Stella’s lips.

“What’s so funny?” I ask, baffled by her sudden laugh.

“I’m just wondering what Gabe is going to say about all this,” she sighs. “Making beer without him.”

“I’m sure he’ll manage. In fact, he’ll probably appreciate the break from his reality.”

“Are we really getting a break from reality?” Stella asks, and I eye her, pondering her question carefully.

“I think we are… with you,” I answer honestly. Our eyes lock for a long moment, and a burst of affection overwhelms me. Before I know what’s come over me, I pull her into an embrace and kiss her forehead, causing her to giggle.

“What was that for?” she asks, cocking her head back, her eyes shining brightly.

“Can’t a man kiss the woman he loves?” I answer without thinking.

“Do you love me?” she whispers, blinking.

“Do you love me?” I challenge, a jesting note in my voice.

“Yes,” she answers without hesitation. “I do.”
