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“The ride to the airport leaves in fifteen!” Anya shouts from outside.

“She came all this way to tell us that?” Stella grumbles.

“She’s been coming and going all morning,” I tell her. “Back and forth from wherever she’s staying.”

“Unless she stayed here last night with one of the cameramen,” Gabe suggests wickedly.

“That poor cameraman. He’s probably turned to stone by now,” Bennet jokes. “I’m pretty sure Anya is part gorgon.”

“Good,” I quip. “One less lens in our face.”

Bemused, we all rise to go to our respective rooms and dress for the upcoming day. I’m not looking forward to this meeting, but it reminds us that it’s almost time to film the season finale.

What’s the worst that could happen in a few more days?



Uh-oh. This can’t be good.

The minute we walk into the studio, four different aides appear from different directions to separate me from the men, bringing us to various areas of the building.

“Wait, why?” I demand, holding out my hand to stop my lovers from taking a step.

They also stop, folding their arms over their chests and stepping to my side protectively, as if my command was all they were waiting on.

“It’s all right,” Jessie calls out, materializing from nowhere like always. A spark of relief rushes through me at the sight of her, she’s one of the only comforting faces I recognize in the entire studio. I feel like I haven’t seen her in a month, even though it’s only been a couple of weeks.

“Why are you separating us?” I demand.

The production assistant stares disarmingly at me, then Forrest, to whom she addresses her next words. “We’re doing separate interviews today. Nothing to worry about.”

“Why?” I ask again, stepping directly in Jessie’s face.

Her pixie face tightens, and she looks at Forrest as if expecting him to jump in and interrupt my questioning, buthe remains in place. “Because that’s what the producers want today, Stella. What’s the big deal? You have something to hide?”

The question sends chills down my spine for some reason, my eyes narrowing at her bitchiness. It’s not like Jessie to speak so rudely.

“It’s just weird,” I insist, but my resolve is fading fast, and Jessie acts on it, waving her finger to signal the aides.

“It is weird,” Forrest concedes. “And you’re not answering why.”

“Guys,” Jessie grumbles in exasperation. “It’s just part of the show, like intros. It’s an interview. Relax, will you? Not everything has to be a fight.”

The men look at me, and I grit my teeth, unsure if I’m overreacting or not. My gaze settles on Forrest, who appears unperturbed, and it settles it for me.

“All right,” I mutter.

“We’ll make this as quick as possible,” Bennet whispers as he passes me, following his assigned aide.

Gabe gives me a taut smile that’s meant to be reassuring, but doesn’t help in the least. He’s as tense as I am, and I’m worried about all three of them as I’m led by an aide into a boardroom at the far end of the hall. It always feels like we’re being led to a prison sentence in the studio meetings.

The aide knocks on the door, and I realize that Jessie has come with us, growing the apprehensive knot in my gut.

“Come in.”

I don’t recognize the voice, but I know the faces as soon as we enter, the director among them, her customary smirk already getting on my nerves.
