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Pasha’s eyes meet mine with a fiery spark of victory as he hangs up the phone. “All yours, my darling Valerie. Now… about the panties…”

I shake my head at him, thumbing my shorts down under the table and trying to slip my panties off fast enough to avoid flashing him. I expect him to look under the table, but he doesn’t. He acts like a perfect gentleman as I place the panties onto the table and pull my shorts back up.

He grabs them from me, caressing the delicate fabric with his fingers as he stares into my eyes. My heart pounds, and my legs feel weird, like someone took the bones out of them. Butterflies take flight in my stomach as he brings the panties up to his face and inhales deeply.

“Like a goddess,” he whispers, pulling them away from his face and putting them on the table beside his silverware. “Another round, perhaps? Or are you ready for some dinner?”

My guardian angels are probably hovering right behind me, screaming at me to stop, but I can’t hear them. I’m deaf to reason and so caught up in Pasha’s wicked games that winning is the only thing on my mind.

“Let’s play,” I whisper, feeling a surge of adrenaline as the words leave my mouth.

He brings one large hand to his chin, stroking his stubble as he thinks of how to make this harder for me. I hope he’s coming up with all this on the spot, or the game is probably rigged.

But how could he have known I’d ask for the biggest emerald in the world? It can’t possibly be rigged, unless the seller is fake as well.

I drum my fingers on my thigh, thinking hard until I’m drawn back to Pasha by a small cough.

“I propose a new wager,” he says, straightening up in his chair. “If you win, I will disappear from your life. If I win, then you will take the rest of your clothes off.”

“Deal,” I reply, perhaps a little too quickly.

“You have thirty seconds.”

“Anything I want?”

“Anything you want,” he confirms with a thin smile.

My mind is racing again, but this time seems even harder than the last. With the stakes so much higher, my mind is struggling to come up with anything at all. It keeps bringing me back to how I would feel sitting naked across from him.

It’d be impossible to hide the tightness of my nipples, or the goosebumps on my skin. I could tell him that it’s because I’m cold, but it’s actually quite warm tonight.

And what if a helicopter goes by and sees me sitting all the way up here without a shred of fabric covering my bare skin? Would I get in trouble for that? Or would the pilot just laugh and shake his head at my predicament?

“Ten seconds,” Pasha reminds me.

Fuck, I haven’t come up with anything yet. I’m going to be in a world of trouble if I can’t bring my mind back to what I could ask for that he’d never be able to give me.

“Time’s up. What’s your desire?”

I freeze. “Um, a billion dollars,” I blurt.

He chuckles. “My darling, that’s not a singular object. Not that I wouldn’t be able to give it to you, but you’re bending the rules.”

“Fine, so a check for a billion dollars,” I reply smugly.

His hand slips into his jacket pocket and procures a checkbook and a silver pen. He scribbles in cursive across it, and then slides it across the table to me. I pick it up, reading the impossibly large number written on it.

“This is real?”

“It’s a check for a billion dollars.”

“Yes, but can I cash it?” I ask, studying it closely.

“You can try,” he replies with a smirk.

I groan. “If I can’t cash it then it’s not valid. You lose. Leave me alone.”

He shakes his head. “Sorry, Valerie, but that’s not how this game works. I gave you want you asked for, now you owe me something in return. Take your clothes off. All of them.”
