Page 18 of Wylde

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“Trust me. Kids have a way of finding out.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry. If this means you no longer want to help us, I’ll get someone to take me home until Clutch has my car ready for me to drive. I’ll have to make payments or something, but he’ll get this money back.”

“No one said I no longer wanted to help you, Dani. I’ll do that no matter what.” He shrugged. “I just thought you might need some adult companionship, and I want you.”

“I’m sorry.” I ducked my head, then headed out the door back to the room with the girls. This was gonna suck. Big time. Wylde might want me, but I wasn’t in the position for casual sex. No matter how much I wanted to experience more of his kisses. And find out what it felt like to have him kiss me again. All over my body.

Yeah. I was fucked.

Chapter Five


I was fucked.

And yeah, I was an asshole. I knew the second I pitched my proposal to Danica it was a mistake. Truth was, I was trying to cover for myself. My reaction to her was not at all what I expected. I had intended to lean in to kiss her and let that be it, but noooo… I had to go all out.

I could -- and did -- have any woman I wanted. It hadn’t always been like that. I was a computer geek in school when it wasn’t cool to be a computer geek. Since finding a home with the Iron Tzars, I’d imitated the look and attitude of many of my brothers. Combine that with my own quirky personality, and it worked.

I became more athletic, building muscle and becoming capable of handling myself in any situation that got thrown at me. I was smart as shit and not only was I the motherfucking tech guy, I was a badass motherfucking tech guy. It got me what I’d always wanted. Recognition. Appreciation. That got me women.

Then I met Danica.

I didn’t want to have a relationship with her. I didn’t do relationships. I saw passion and a thrill for living that I had in myself, and wanted to explore that with her. I knew, if I was patient, I could have a fucking good time with her. But I realized right away she wasn’t that kind of woman. If she gave herself to a man, she’d expect it to be for love. I wasn’t capable of that.

As I watched her go out the door and through the common room, I had a moment to regret what I’d said to her. My chest ached, but I knew it was only that I regretted hurting her. She was a sweet woman with a good head on her shoulders and a heart the size of Texas. She deserved a man who loved her. Who worshiped her. Unfortunately, that man wasn’t me.

I shook myself. Enough of this. I gave her my pitch. She rejected me, and I didn’t blame her. Yeah, my pride took a hit. I hadn’t been turned down by a woman for sex in a very long time. But I’d survive. I’d find another woman who enflamed me like Danica did and enjoy the hell out of myself until it was time to move on. Besides, if she knew what it meant to be an old lady to a member of the Iron Tzars, she’d thank me. Dani didn’t deserve less than being a man’s old lady and I refused to bring a woman into this life. This club.

Fuck it. I had work to do. Starting with taking care of the bullies at Apple’s school. Then I’d move on to Jordan.

Turned out, phone calls to the parents of the kids in question with screenshots of their social media posts were enough. At least for all but one. The one woman who held out, not believing her daughter had done anything to Apple and, if she had, Apple had deserved it, received a healthy dose of what her daughter had been dishing out to Apple. I’d basically posted copies of what her daughter had posted about Apple to the mother’s social media and tagged her church and top hundred friends, along with a recording of our phone call. If that didn’t work -- which judging by the replies she was getting, and the phone call I got at midnight from the woman in question, it was getting the desired effect -- I’d do something more drastic. Like post pics of her and her other daughter’s husband getting it on in her bedroom. ‘Cause, you know. Motherfucking tech guy.

Jordan was going to require something more. It was after midnight, but I wanted to make a point with this. The app I used on all the club’s phones prevented anyone but a top-level hacker from tracing where it had come from. And by top level, I mean on the level of Giovanni Romano at Argent Tech and myself. Possibly Data and Zora or Suzie at Bones, but I wouldn’t give them more than a thirty percent chance of decrypting it. OK, so maybe I’d give Suzie a slightly higher percentage on that, but only because I knew she’d hacked into Giovanni’s system on more than one occasion.

Sitting back in my chair, I punched in the girl’s number on my phone and put it to my ear, waiting to see if she’d answer a call from an unknown number after midnight.

“Hello?” The sleepy voice on the phone at one time might have aroused me. Now, it just filled me with rage. It was a shock, really. Sure, I was angry at the woman, but she was sleeping soundly when, as far as she knew, Danica was in jail and Apple and Lemon were in foster care until Danica was released.

“I traced every single event of today’s shenanigans back to you, Jordan. You planted the paint in Dani’s purse. It was your relative who owned the store and erased the security tapes. Your relative’s friends who were called to play bad cop, worse cop.”

There was a pause before the rustling of bedding as she either rolled over or sat up. “Who is this?”

“Not someone you ever want to fuck with.”

“Well, Someone I Don’t Want to Fuck With, I have no idea what you’re talking about. If you call me again, I’ll take my phone to the police and have them find you.”

I chuckled. “Good luck with that, Jordan. In fact, I encourage it. Once the whole story comes out, I imagine it will be you and your cohorts in jail overnight. Maybe the cops lose their jobs. My advice to you? Leave Danica and her sisters alone. You do that, we’ll all be golden.”

“Fuck you,” she muttered before ending the call.

Yeah, I didn’t believe that would be enough, but it was the first step. Also, the cops would definitely be losing their jobs given all the illegal shit I found on them both. They were dirty to the max, not only taking bribes, but at least one of them was using phony charges to coerce women into sex in exchange for not taking them to jail. And yeah, the dumb shits weren’t smart enough to turn off their body cams before some of the encounters. It had been erased, but, again, I was the motherfucking tech guy.

That information was sent to the chief with a note saying if he didn’t do something about the two, the same information would be passed to the media with further information showing he was aware of everything and allowed it to happen.

Another phone call to the hobby store manager, telling him I knew he’d set Danica up for false arrest and possible rape by dirty cops, and he’d promised to leave town if I kept quiet. I’d told him I’d keep quiet if the police chief did the right thing and arrested his friends. Unfortunately, I wasn’t sure if the investigators would be so forgiving. He’d made his bed; he could lie in it.

Satisfied I’d done all I could for now, I powered up my gaming gear to get on Fortnite. I was hoping to catch SoulHunter15 on. Sure enough, I found him.

I found the server and game the kid was on and slipped into his game. I’d long ago used a hack to be able to watch without anyone knowing I was there. Sure enough, the kid couldn’t play for shit. At least not where he was in the game presently. This was going to take some noobie teaching and a shit ton of patience I wasn’t sure I had. Not because I didn’t like introducing noobs to the game, but I hated trying to help someone who thought they knew more than they did. It was counterproductive and a waste of time since they never took anything I said to heart.
