Page 24 of Rocket

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I grinned. “Nope.”

“Then why… Wait. You didn’t want to sleep on the couch.” She deflated a little and started to pull away. Which wouldn’t do.

“Stop, Lemon.” I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her against me. It didn’t feel right, so I urged her to lie fully on top of me, one of her legs on each side of my hips. “There. Better.”

“Rocket --”

“Nope. You’re going to listen to me. I don’t sleep with women. But you’re not just any woman, Lemon. You’re my old lady. Remember?”

She sighed. “You know you don’t have to pretend. I know you don’t… that is, I’m a lot to handle. I know I am.”

“You are at that. Do you hear me complaining?”

She cocked her head, studying me. “No, but your club’s gonna hate me. Falcon already does. Besides, I only said that so I could get you to listen to me and see how wrong it is for them to abandon you when you’re in trouble.”

“There are things I need you to understand before that conversation. But I’m not ready for that yet.”

“You’re not?”

“We have unfinished business between us first.”

“What’s that?”

I threaded my fingers through her hair gently and brought her down for a kiss. At first, she stiffened, but it didn’t take long for her to sigh and melt against me. Where I’d let her control things last time, now I led her where I wanted us to go together.

As our lips moved in sync, the tension between us dissipated, replaced by a fiery passion that ignited from deep within. Lemon’s body molded perfectly against mine, fitting like a missing puzzle piece. Her breath mingled with mine, creating a symphony of desire that echoed through the room.

Our bodies intertwined, moving with a raw need that had been simmering beneath the surface for over a year. We hadn’t interacted much until the last day, but I’d seen her. I’d watched her watch me. It had been an erotic mind game, one I’d both enjoyed and come to hate because there was no way I could act on my lust and no way I could get her out of my head.

I deepened the kiss, a collision of passion and desire that left no room for doubt or hesitation. Lemon surrendered herself to the rhythm I set, her little mewling whimpers mingling with my low growl as we shared this intimate dance.

As gently as I could, I rolled us until Lemon was beneath my bigger body. She sighed, her arms going around my neck.

“So fuckin’ sweet.” The words were ripped from me, my need to let her know how much I wanted this paramount. Lemon would never admit it if she were scared or nervous. That wasn’t the way she worked. She’d plow ahead and damn the consequences if she wanted it badly enough. It was my job to make sure she was never scared of being intimate with me. If she was a little nervous? Well, nervousness built anticipation.

“Rocket…” Her breathy moan was the sweetest music. She grew braver, her hands roaming over my bare back and shoulders. She arched her neck so I could kiss my way down her jaw to her neck, then her collarbone just above the neckline of her shirt.

“I want this shirt off, Lemon. Your shorts too. I want to taste every fuckin’ inch of you.”

That got a sharp cry from her and I grinned. Of course, Lemon loved dirty talk. I chuckled even as I ran my hands up her sides under her shirt. She quickly helped me pull it up and over her head. I kissed her again, praising her for doing as I wished.

The room was consumed by an intoxicating energy as I trailed my lips along Lemon’s newly exposed skin. Each touch ignited a fiery desire within me, pushing me further into the depths of a lust that threatened to overwhelm me. Her body quivered beneath mine, her soft gasps fueling the fire that raged between us.

I could feel the heat radiating off Lemon’s body as I continued to trail my lips along her soft skin. Her curves fit perfectly into the contours of my body. It was as if we were two halves of a whole, destined to come together in this moment. It was just as I expected sex between us to be. Fiery and passionate.

The more I touched her, the more animated she became, arching against me to rub her nipples over my hair-roughened chest. I scooted down her body until I was able to suck one puckered nipple between my lips. Her sharp cry echoed in the room and I quickly put a hand over her mouth to silence her.

“Hush, baby. We don’t want Effie to wake up.”

“Oh, God! The door.”

“Don’t worry.” I chuckled. “I locked it behind me when I brought you in here.”

“More.” Her demand was more a breathy sigh, one I was only too happy to comply with.

I began a slow and deliberate dance of caresses and kisses, teasing her sensitive flesh with feather-light touches and nips that sent shivers cascading through her body. I traced the delicate lines of her belly button with my tongue, dipping inside to taste the salty-sweet sweat that had erupted over her body.

She gasped, her body tense. I whispered into her ear, “You want this, don’t you? You want my hands on you, Lemon?”
