Page 97 of Impromptu Match

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“I prob won’t,” Holt said dryly. “Where’s Seb?”

Larkin shrugged and immediately started looking around the room at the wrestlers, as if the topic of Seb bored him. I wasn’t buying it. “Dunno. The office, I think.”

“We both went upstairs to hang out with Ludo,” Brian—B. Were—said quietly as he appeared through the door behind us. “He’s still up there. Hi, Taylor,” he added with a shy smile.

I smiled back. “Hi, Brian.”

Larkin had stiffened slightly, but he shrugged again as if he didn’t care. “There you go. He’s upstairs. I’m gonna go see what Mads and Heidi are doing.”

We could already see what they were doing—just sitting on the couch talking. But Larkin flounced over and plopped himself between them, flushing when Heidi chuckled and scrubbed his hair affectionately.

“Let’s go,” Holt murmured, turning us toward the door. “I want to get this fucking heat pad off. It’s making me sweat under my suit.”

We found Seb hanging out in the front lobby with Ludo. People were starting to filter up from downstairs to head home, and several of them looked kind of excited to see the owner and manager of Goliaths standing right there. Seb told Holt he was happy to close up again, so I drove us back to Holt’s place, his hand resting casually on my thigh the entire way home.

We decided to get in the hot tub for half an hour before going to bed, to help relax the muscles in Holt’s back. It was even nicer outside at night, the fairy lights twinkling above us and the pool a calm blue jewel in the dark. Eventually, we dried off and made our way to bed. Holt tried to climb on top of me, but I heard his grunt of pain in the dark, so with a laugh I gently urged him onto his back and got between his legs, kissing my way down his chest and stomach.

As I gave him a slow, languid blowjob, I relished every hitch of breath and quiet moan that came from him. After he came, shuddering and smoothing my hair back from my flushed face, he urged me in a throaty voice to come all over him. So I did, carefully straddling his waist and stroking my cock until my muscles tensed and a broken groan escaped me as cum striped his chest in long ribbons.

He didn’t have to ask me this time. I shuffled back on trembling legs and licked it all up, then plunged my tongue into his mouth. Holt moaned, wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me for a long time after he’d swallowed everything I gave him.

“I like having you here,” he whispered hoarsely when we eventually broke apart.

I swallowed around the sudden lump in my throat as I shifted off him to curl into his side, my head on his chest. “I like being here. With you.”

The thought of returning to my boring apartment and going back to work on Monday after this perfect weekend was kind of depressing, so instead, I thought about getting to wake up with Holt again tomorrow morning.

Pressing a final kiss to his chest, I relaxed against him and closed my eyes, falling asleep quickly to the feel of his long fingers playing with my hair.

Chapter Thirty-Two

Seduction with Moussaka

When we woke up on Sunday morning, Holt ordered us breakfast as we lounged in bed. We didn’t get up until just before it arrived, and then we ate at the kitchen island after Holt made us coffee.

He adamantly insisted his back was feeling much better, even swimming a couple of half-hearted laps in the pool to prove it, so I ended up riding him on a sun lounger wearing nothing but the cowboy hat and my socks and sneakers, at his insistence. He made me go and get them and everything.

Mid-afternoon, I glumly realised I had to go home to do laundry and get ready for the work week ahead. I was tired, still not used to the late nights, so I decided not to watch the wrestling later. Holt pouted and tried to convince me to go home, grab my suit for tomorrow and come back. He even said I could stay here alone while he was at work.

“I’ll make you a lunch for tomorrow,” he said hopefully, watching from the bed as I pulled on my jeans. “Or I’ll take you out for lunch.”

I was sorely tempted, but the idea of being alone in Holt’s house was a little weird, even though he clearly didn’t mind. What if, like, the Lizard Granny Mafia turned up expecting their protection payment for the month? What if houses inhabited by supernatural beings were infested by little gremlins that came out at night and licked everything or cobbled shoes? I didn’t really want Holt to come home and find me cowering in a corner defending myself with a broom.

I really did have to do laundry, anyway. And water the one sad spider plant I’d managed to keep alive on my living room windowsill. But I also really didn’t want to be apart from Holt, so I suggested he come to my place once he’d finished work, but he sighed and flopped back onto the bed, saying he wouldn’t want to disturb me that late when I had work tomorrow.

After I collected all my stuff, he walked me to the door and gave me a long kiss goodbye.

“Can I take you for lunch tomorrow?” he asked, his arms around my neck as he fiddled with my hair. “Or I’ll get something delivered to my office. Whatever works.”

I still couldn’t quite believe that this beautiful supernatural being wanted to be around me as much as I wanted to be around him. I was already pretty addicted to him. To the way he made me feel like a real, interesting, even fun person. To the fact that we clicked so effortlessly, and he liked me for who I was. He wasn’t trying to change me into someone who suited him better.

In fact… Well, I wasn’t used to thinking all that positively about myself, but I thought I suited Holt pretty well, exactly as I was. And he suited me too. We couldn’t have been more different, but we just worked. That much was clear already.

“Yeah, that’d be really nice,” I told him shyly, leaning in to kiss him again. We struggled to part, but eventually he let me go and watched from the door as I walked to my car.

“Hope everything goes okay with the show tonight,” I called before climbing in.

“The wrestlers will all miss you,” he called back, leaning against the doorframe, dressed only in his hot pink robe. “So will I.”
