Page 16 of Access All Areas

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“It’ssookay.” Fingernails rake a fiery path down my back, and Resa’s hips rise to meet mine, grinding me deep. She’s aforce of nature, undulating beneath me. “So much better than okay. Oh my god. Oh, wow. This is sex. Okay, I get it now.”

Her neck tastes salty, and smells faintly of sunscreen. “Get what?”

“Why everyone loses their minds over this.”

Tell me about it. Common sense and my last shred of self preservation are a distant, fuzzy memory right now.

“Say you love me,” Resa whispers as my cock throbs inside her. Sheets tangle around our feet, rucked up by us rolling around, and the pleasure of moving inside her is so sharp, it’s edging into pain. “Just pretend for a minute.”


My throat is tight. “I love you.”

And insane as it is, I don’t need to pretend.

My body knows hers. Itrecognizeshers, just like something inside me clicked into place the first time this bubbly fan girl met my eyes. Of course I love her. Resa is my person.

But she flushes even brighter at my words, her lips curving in a dreamy smile. Like she doesn’t even realize I’m not kidding—like she truly doesn’t know. And that kills me… but maybe it’s for the best.

After all, it’s not like I can ask Resa to uproot her whole life and follow me on this tour. Not like I can offer her much of anything right now except a spot on this already crowded tour bus.

“You’re so beautiful.” I nip her chin. “So perfect, Resa. Look at how well you’re taking my cock.”

She nods, expression dazed as she claws at my back. “Uh-huh.Oh. Give it to me, Beckett. Please.”

My hand jams between us to rub at her clit. My jaw is clenched so hard my teeth ache.

Iwillget her there. I will feel her tighten on my cock if it’s the last bloody thing I do.

“Oh.” Resa’s eyes flutter closed. “Oh, that’s…”

Her channel clamps down on me without warning, gripping harder than a vise. The heat in this small bedroom roars to a new furnace level. And every ripple of sensation, every shudder that rocks her small, soft frame, is the best goddamn thing I’ve ever felt, bar none.

She’s a miracle.

Resa comes with a throaty gasp.

The stars glitter through the slit in the curtains, watching my world turn upside down.

It takes every ounce of my remaining will power, but I pull out as soon as Resa is done, her body collapsing in a boneless puddle. Can’t be even more reckless than I’ve already been—can’t get Resa in trouble. White ropes of come streak her perfect, bare belly, and a knife of pleasure stabs into my gut andtwists.

“Ew,” Resa murmurs, but she’s grinning up at me, tracing her fingertips through the stickiness. “We’re gonna need more wipes.”

* * *

It’s a sleepless night, but not because Resa snores or fidgets in bed. No—after borrowing my toothbrush and cleaning up in the cramped bathroom, Resa flops onto my bed and passes out without another word. Just… gone. Lights out. Felled like a beautiful log.

Chest tight, I tuck the sheets around her and slide in bed at her back.

And then: nothing. Not a wink of sleep all night. Not once the gig has finished and the crowds have melted away, leaving ghostly quiet in the parking lot. Not once all the other bus residents have come back, chatting and banging cupboards, thenfiled away to their rooms one by one and fallen silent. Not even then.

For hours I lie in bed, wired and awake, as an empty can skitters back and forth across the parking lot outside, nudged around by a lazy breeze.

We’re leaving tomorrow. Moving out first thing for a new city, a new gig, a new day. Leaving New Orleans…

And leaving Resa.

Her soft breaths stir the air beside me, and she’s so warm andreal, curving into my side. Will she miss me once we’ve gone? Will she ever think about me? She’s sleeping peacefully right now, not troubled at all by the thought of parting forever.
