Page 13 of Possessive Priest

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The house she’s staying in is cozy and fits a young woman living alone. The hardwood floors creak with my heavy footsteps as I carry her up the stairs into the bedroom. The foot of the bed is only a few paces in front of the door. It never crosses my mind if Harper’s seeing anyone because, in the depths of my bones, I know she belongs to me.

Harper’s skin is as soft as a cloud when I lay her on the bed.

“Harper,” I say her name to bring her eyes to mine. “You know there’s no turning back after this right? You will always belong to me.”

“I’m yours, Daddy.” Her eyes flare with lust. “Always.”

That’s all I need to hear as I claim her mouth. These lips send spears of pleasure firing across my entire body. I can’t imagine why I’ve been living my life without her until this point. All I see is Harper.

Her moans of satisfaction as my tongue probes her mouth fill the room, chasing the high of our first kiss. I want to relive these moments over and over again. I can’t believe I’ve finally found a woman who belongs to only me, untouched and ready to be devoured.

I manage to get her shirt off to see her supple tits begging for my mouth to taste them. She tastes even sweeter than when we were in my office at the church. The softness of her skin is like velvet on my tongue. I have a hard time trying to focus on one spot of her body.

When she drags her fingernails across my scalp, I lose myself. Shudders of pleasure ricochet across my chest and down to my cock, where my erection needs to be set free. The excitement of sinking myself into her untouched pussy makes me want to dive in, but I know I want this to last as long as possible.

The whipping of snow against her bedroom window grows louder with every passing minute. Wind rattles the glass and before I can do anything else with Harper, the sound of glass breaking pulls us out of the moment.

“What was that?” Harper’s bold blue eyes are wide with angst.

Every fiber of my body wants to ignore the world around us, but I don’t want Harper to be in any danger. There’s a slight breeze now blowing around my feet, sweeping in from just outside the bedroom door. A quick glance at Harper makes me cradle theside of her face, lowering my mouth for a chaste kiss to ease her nerves.

“I’ll go check it out.” I take a step back, the older wood floors still creaking under my steps, and adjust myself to make my deflating erection comfortable. Soft yellow light from downstairs lights up the hallway as the whirring of winds pushes into the room beside us. There’s a freshness circulating around the floor with every breath crisper than the last while I approach the door.

Harper has her clothes back on when she joins me as I push the door open. She flips the light switch, illuminating the cause of the shattered glass. The bottom window pane has a jagged hole about the size of a fist. A piece of the home’s gutter has come loose, swinging down in the storm and punching its way inside the office.

It only takes me a few quick shoves to move the large black desk away from the window to see the mess of glass shards on the floor. A mixture of snow and melting ice drips onto the floor from the end of the gutter pipe, leaning into the broken window.

“Baby girl, go put something on your feet and bring me something to help clean this mess up, please. Oh, and garbage bags and tape if you have it.”

“Okay,” she says, hurrying out of the room.

Evaluating the window doesn’t take long. I can safely push the pipe outside where the last shred of metal connecting it to the house snaps, causing the section to fall to the ground. I’m certain it will be easy to find once the storm passes. I can fix it within the next week, so long as the weather lets up.

When Harper comes back, she has everything I need, and we get to work putting her office back together. After it’s all saidand done, I notice the look of dread in her eyes as she stares at the papers scattered across the desk. Some are soaking wet and others are sticking together. She groans with frustration.

“I guess I have to start over on this report,” she says, holding up a few pages by their driest corners.

“I’m sorry, baby girl.”

She giggles to herself. “It’s not your fault the snow had other plans for me. I’m just happy I was with you when the pipe crashed through the window. The cleanup would have been way different if I was sitting here working.”

I pull her close to me, anchoring my arm around her waist. “I was here to protect you, and I’ll always be here to do just that. What kind of report was it? Maybe I can help so you don’t have to start completely from scratch.”

“I’m supposed to be analyzing a business to come up with a strategy to improve their profits. I was going to look at one of my brothers’ companies, but my mother actually suggested I ask you. Especially since you asked for my help to improve youth attendance.”

“I’m okay with you analyzing the church’s operations. I’m not sure how much profit is involved with Saint Alban’s as of yet. I’ve only been the priest for a few months. I’m still learning the books, but I know the Archbishop will be pleased if I can raise attendance and additional donations.”

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of having another set of eyes go over the finances. Granted, she’s not professionally licensed, but if she spots anything that’s helping or hurting the church, I can call in an auditor.

I’m keeping my suspicions to myself, but there’s something off with the books. Every time I try to get the last priest's financial records, the accounting firm can never tell me anything other than to read the reports.

There are volunteers who work on the administrative staff of the church, but they only take care of light bookkeeping. It’s not their job to spot discrepancies, but I do expect honesty from everyone working for the parish.

“Would it be okay if we take a look at the books on Monday, baby girl? I'm not sure what the roads are going to be like over the weekend.”

Harper smiles, sliding her hand up to my face. “We can do whatever you like, Father. Besides, the only thing I had planned was working on this project. It seems like you’re a blessing, a gift that keeps on giving. Are you hungry?”

I nod. “I can eat.”
