Page 14 of Possessive Priest

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She grins when my eyes drag their gaze down her body. She knows exactly what I want to eat.

“Insatiable.” Harper playfully shoves me, taking a step out of my embrace. I grab the trash bag full of broken glass and wet napkins, following her downstairs into the kitchen.

We fall into a rhythm effortlessly as she pulls food out of the refrigerator. Harper makes her way around the kitchen, and I take into stock where everything is. When I put the bag into the trash can, the slender sway of her hips hooks my gaze to every move she makes. How the hell have I been ignoring my needs as a man this long?

“When I come back to fix that section of the gutter, I’ll fix the window and make sure the rest are weather-tight.”

“Thank you, Hunter. I should probably text Hayden and Halo to let them know the window broke. You shouldn’t have to fix it.”

I stop her from moving, tilting her chin to make sure she’s staring into my eyes. “Do you live here, Harper?”

“Yes.” Her eyes are full of questions.

“You live here, and you belong to me, so I’m going to take care of you. How about I talk to your brother and get hisokaybefore I do anything?”

“You’d do that? Go toe to toe with Hayden Haven?” she asks with mild disbelief.

“I’d move the heavens for you, Harper. If it means I have to show your family that there’s nothing in the world that will stop me from doing that, I will do whatever it takes. I'll shout it to the world and anyone else who'll listen. Will you let me take care of you?”

“You already are, Daddy.”



Large brown eyes, the color of dark honey, stare at me while the food warms up. Pot roast and rice to be exact. The fridge is full of Tupperware my mother delivers every few days to make sure I’m eating the same way I did when I lived at home.

“How long have you lived here? Do you like it?” Hunter asks, drawing my attention away from the food. I hand him a beer that he opens in one swift move by using the edge of the counter as a bottle opener.

“A few months,” I tell him. “Going to school in Conklin is not the most independent thing to do. There's not much freedom when you live with your parents. I want to be able to live my life without having to answer all of their intrusive questions or listen to their unsolicited opinions on the direction my life is heading. I want to be able to do things.”

“Things like what?” He takes a swig of his drink.

I move toward him, ready to push up onto my toes to kiss him. Instead, I dip away to sneak a forkful of food between his lipswith a grin. He takes the bite, licking his lips. My God, this is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. The squareness of his jaw with just a shadow where hair fills in his face gives him this rugged appeal that I can’t get enough of. I want to look at him, staring at his sexiness, until I drown in it. Or perhaps, until he drowns in me.

“Things like this.” I hope my eyes tell him everything I want him to know. To help spice up my bravery, I drag my finger through the bowl of warm food, gravy on my finger, and put it in his mouth. The softness of his tongue wrapping around the tip sends chills to my core. My stomach flutters with anticipation, pushing me to egg him on.

“You’re the best thing I’ve ever tasted, baby girl. Better than this gravy and the beer.” He laughs, licking his lips before dipping his head down to kiss me.

It’s a kiss of quiet possession. The storm rages outside. While the wind and snow ravage our town, my desperation builds for Hunter to ravage me. He pulls me closer to his body as his mouth claims what’s his. I moan behind every pass of his tongue just before he uses it to trace a line to my neck and between my breasts.

Hunter’s dragging my shirt down so far, I can hear the tiny tears in the fabric. It's not long before the entire thing shreds across the middle. My tits on display force his gaze to drag itself down my silhouette.

There's a certain roughness to his hands, but Hunter's gentle with his touch as he creates a trail of goosebumps from my collarbone to my nipple. I can't let him touch me while my hands remain on the edge of the counter behind me. The growing bulge around his crotch reveals the effect my nakedness has on him.

I want to taste him again.

“It's been a long time, baby girl. Be patient with me,” he says, clenching his teeth and moving my hand over his erection. When he grips my hand, he takes it off him, bringing it up to his lips where he sucks my fingers. His soft lips against my skin make my nipples even harder.

We don't waste too much time in the kitchen. Heading back upstairs to the bedroom, we strip out of our clothes while the snowstorm continues to ravage the town. My mind is only thinking of how Hunter will ravage me.

Every emotion washes over me as Hunter takes his time exploring my body. The delicate strokes of his tongue make me tremble with desire, anxious about what this is going to feel like. The pleasure is more than I can fathom as my legs shake with one orgasm after another.

The strength of his fingers holding me in place as he marks a trail from my neck to my breasts gives me comfort that I'm safe with Hunter—in and out of the bedroom. There's nothing like feeling secure with a man who shows how he cares for you.

I don't know what I ever imagined my first time to be like. The idea of my virginity being some sacred gift isn't the reason I'm still a virgin. The guys my age aren't worth the attachment that comes with having sex with someone. Hunter, even though there's a considerable age gap and the time we've known each other doesn't stretch back far, the connection we share is undeniable.

The connection we have is special, and the fact that Hunter's willing to change his life, to give up his commitment to the priesthood, tells me how serious he is about me. The momentarrives when I feel the thickness of his cock pushing against my entrance.
