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"My sister, Ana, is missing. If she has fallen into the hands of those who seek to harm our kind, it could jeopardize the delicate balance we've maintained for centuries."

The council members exchanged glances that spoke of both concern and impatience. The gravity of the situation wasn't lost on them, and I seized the opportunity to emphasize the potential threat to our kind.

"We cannot afford to underestimate the coming dangers," I continued. "If Ana's disappearance is tied to those who harbor ill intentions towards vampires, we must act swiftly to safeguard our existence. Ana is pure blood, and lots could happen with her missing"

"What is that human agent doing here? She still hasn’t found any tangible solution, and Sheriff Callum is keeping us in the dark." the head of the council stated with a measured tone.

"Yes, my lord," I affirmed. "Agent Evelyn is already investigating the murders in Harmony Grove. If anyone can find information on the activities of those targeting vampires, it would be her. She has excellent skills."

A murmur rippled through the council, a discordant symphony of opinions and reservations. The idea of working with a human,especially one unaware of our existence, clashed with their instincts for secrecy. However, the urgency of the situation demanded unconventional measures.

"Very well, Alexei," the head of the council conceded. "Work with this Agent, but tread carefully. Our kind's existence must remain veiled from the eyes of mortals."

The pressure to succeed hung heavy as I bowed in acknowledgment. The council's decision was both a blessing and a curse—a fragile alliance that required delicate handling.

As I prepared to leave the chamber, an ancient and authoritative voice halted my steps. "There is one more matter to discuss, Alexei. Your suggestion of being killed by Lycans—"

The mention of Lycans sent a shiver through the chamber. The idea was desperate, born from the peculiar footprint Agent Evelyn had discovered. I had hoped to exploit the myth of Lycans, creatures believed to be extinct for centuries, to divert attention from our vulnerabilities.

"You tread dangerous ground, Alexei," the council leader warned. "The era of Lycans is long past, and resurrecting such notions may bring unintended consequences. Our kind has thrived in the shadows, and we must continue to do so."

I bowed in acknowledgment, the weight of their disapproval palpable. The council, entrenched in ancient traditions, viewed the suggestion with a disdain that bordered on blasphemy.

"As punishment for such a reckless proposition, you shall bear the weight of this responsibility," the council leader declared. "Find the missing vampire and your sister within the given time frame or face the consequences of your audacious suggestion."

The ultimatum hung in the air, a stark reminder of the delicate balance I now navigated. The council, guardians of our kind, hadgranted a begrudging approval for collaboration, but my actions had not gone unnoticed or unchallenged.

As I exited the council chamber, the weight of my responsibilities pressed down on me. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainties, and the fates of vampires and my missing sister hung in the balance.



Sleeping on the break room couch wasn’t my preferred way to get a good night's rest, but I had no other choice. I felt like I was being followed, and if indeed I was, it would be unwise to lead whoever it was back to my hotel. I would rather they know I spent the night at the police station.

“Special Agent Evelyn, We have another body,” Sheriff Callum called from the door, and I stood up. I had been up almost an hour before his arrival and had managed to clean myself up. I got up from the chair and picked up my notebook and pen. This would be an inappropriate time to tell them ‘I told you so’, but I was disappointed they hadn’t believed me when I told them we’d be in this exact situation if they didn’t set a curfew and help me crack this case, and fast.

A serial killer never stops after his first victim, and since he knows we have no idea who he is and he doesn’t leave behind any clues, he will continue to kill unscrupulously. I got into the car beside Sheriff Callum, and he drove us to the crime scene.

“The others will meet us there,” he told me, and I only nodded. We walked inside the park, where the coroner and others were waiting already. I carefully made my way to the crime scene while looking for anything out of the ordinary.

Upon reaching the crime scene, chills ran down my spine. The body was placed in a gruesome manner. It looked like a disturbing piece of art, painted with the cruelty of a troubled mind. The victim, a man with a tortured face, lay in a twisted position—silent proof of the horrors he went through.

I couldn't shake the feeling that if I hadn't followed my instincts and changed my route last night, the mutilated body could have been mine. The seriousness of the situation sank in, along with a heavy sinking feeling in my chest.

I looked at the marks of struggle on the man's battered body. He had multiple scratches that looked like they were made with nails. This wasn't a random act of violence; it was a planned act of cruelty. The killer was looking for something from him. According to the notes, the others weren’t tortured like this. This man had something the killer wanted, or the killer just switched up his game.

A sudden reality sent shivers down my spine as I returned from the crime scene. The idea of safety was shattered, replaced by a harsh reality—I was dealing with a killer who enjoyed chaos and knew the playground well enough to get away with it.

As I tried to understand the grim scene, Alexei, the mysterious Mayor, joined me. The quiet sound of leaves under his feet told me he was approaching. His usually composed face now showed the weightof devastation. His eyes, normally guarded, revealed vulnerability that mirrored the pain on his face. I watched him from a distance, my professionalism momentarily forgotten as I glimpsed a man dealing with a loss.

As he neared the crime scene, I noticed him hesitate before confirming the victim's identity. Their connection wasn't lost on me—there was a history, a shared story evident in the glances and the heavy silence.

The victim, caught in a sinister game, had become a casualty of forces beyond his control. Alexei's grief was evident, a raw emotion that broke through his usual detachment. Despite the mystery surrounding him, at this moment, he was just a man mourning the loss of someone he knew.

A bit of pity stirred in me. In the complicated investigation, where alliances were fragile and trust was rare, I couldn't help but understand the Mayor's sorrow. The dead man was probably a friend, or maybe someone close enough to call family.

As the other officers arrived, their expressions a mix of determination and solemn acknowledgment, the investigation began. Turning away from the crime scene, my mind buzzed with a renewed purpose.
