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I wanted to tell Alexei about the strange things that happened at the Luminara Coven, starting from the glowing gemstone to the woman in the park. Dealing with it alone was starting to mess with me. He was my friend, and I felt I could trust him with those details.

“Are you okay Evelyn? You seem a little off.” Alexei asked. I made up my mind. He didn’t keep things from me, even when he knew it wouldn’t make any sense to me. I should return the same openness to him.

I looked at Alexei and sighed. He took that as a cue to come and sit by me.

“Are you really fine? Is it something FBI-related or from New York?” he asked and I shook my head. Watching him worry over me made me feel even worse for keeping it from him initially.

“No, it’s not that. It’s Harmony Grove related. Remember when we went to the Luminara Coven and I asked everyone to look around to see if we could find something related to our investigation?” I asked, and he nodded.

"At the coven," I continued, "I found this huge gemstone in a room that looked like a cathedral. It looked exactly like a gemstone on a necklace my birth mother gave me."

Alexei looked surprised, and there was a tense feeling. "Your birth mother gave you a gemstone?"

I nodded, playing with the necklace carefully nestled in my hands. "Yes, it's the only thing I have from her. I haven’t known her since birth. I was told she left it for me. But at the coven... something strange happened. The gemstone there and mine reacted to each other. They glowed together when I touched it. I got scared and ran out of the room."

The news hung in the air, and we both knew something strange connected the Luminara coven and my birth mother's gift.

"And there's more," I added, feeling a bit uneasy. "I felt like someone was following me again, watching me. Like before, a feeling that someone is there but you can't see them."

Alexei's face changed, showing concern.

"That's the weird part," I confessed. "At the park earlier today, a strange woman came up to me. She talked in puzzling ways about chosen ones and wrong sides. She said she knew my mother and she wanted to be sure I was her daughter before she spoke to me. She didn’t wait for me to ask more questions, she just left. I can't figure it out, Alexei, and I’m a little creeped out."

Alexei ran his hand through his hair, thinking hard. "The gemstone of the Luminara coven has always been a means of identification for everyone born of the coven, it doesn’t matter if they moved away or not. I don’t know who that woman is, but it does mean one thing: the moonblood witches are back."

"I wish I could find her again," I said, a bit frustrated. "But she vanished before I could ask anything important."

“I will find answers for you Evelyn, don’t worry,” Alexei assured me. I knew if anyone could deliver on that promise, it would be him.



In the quietude of the evening, I found myself seated across from Evelyn in the dimly lit study, the soft glow of candles casting flickering shadows on the walls. There was no point pretending that she wasn’t a moon witch, but I wanted to tell her a bit of the history of who her people used to be.

"Evelyn," I began, my voice steady, "I have probably mentioned how Harmony Grove used to be a supernatural realm, no humans, nothing, just us. The werewolves had packs here, the vampires had clans, and the witches had covens."

Shenodded, her eyes eager for the information that I was divulging.

"The Luminara Coven," I continued, "was once a sanctuary for moonblood witches. They were a unique breed, attuned to the lunar forces that flowed through the veins of Harmony Grove. The coven thrived in the power of the moon and they are regarded as the strongest type of witches. Everyone knew not to mess with a moon witch."

I leaned back, letting the memories flood my mind. "My mother, a moon witch herself, was once a vital part of the Luminara Coven. She possessed a rare connection to the moon, a power that ran through her blood. However, fate had other plans for her."

I saw Evelyn's curiosity deepen, her eyes reflecting the silent inquiry.

"My mother fell in love with a pure-blooded vampire, my father. Their union was forbidden, a transgression against the norms of the coven. Yet, love knows no boundaries. They married, and from their union, Anastasia and I were born—a blend of moon witch and vampire blood. To satisfy the moonblood witches who felt like their legacy had been tainted, my mother had our witch side spellbound and locked safely away so that only another legacy moon witch could unlock it. My father was fine with us being vampires. It meant we could carry on his legacy."

The room got really quiet when I started talking about the old days. "In Harmony Grove, things were peaceful until the werewolves got power-hungry. They wanted to be in charge and thought everyone else with supernatural abilities should listen to them. So, they started a war that lasted a hundred years."

Evelyn looked surprised, taking in the centuries-old fight.

"The werewolves caused a lot of damage trying to be the bosses. Harmony Grove turned into a battleground, and a lot of creatures got hurt. Witches, werewolves, and vampires—there was a lot of fighting throughout the years. The werewolves wanted to be the rulersso badly, but in the end, they lost. Their numbers went down until there were no more of them left."

I paused to let all that history sink in. "The witches, who once had powerful magic, saw their magic weakened because of the war. With their powers lessened, many witches weren't as strong as they used to be. Only a few of them survived after the war."

Evelyn's face showed the sadness I felt in my words. "The vampires, being strong, managed to survive the war, but they also had big losses. The pure-blood vampires, a small group, took control, and it became tradition for a pure-blood vampire to be the mayor when humans started living with us after the town was rebuilt."

I waited, letting the heavy history hang in the air. "The 'cleansing,' as they called it, changed Harmony Grove forever. The balance in the supernatural world got messed up, and the scars of that war are still here in the town."
