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Iwould go home to check on him and speak to him. He asked for Evelyn’s help, and he shouldn’t have treated her like she was a pest to him or something.

“Don’t worry, Evelyn, you’ve done your best,” I added softly after a while, and she nodded. The whole station was silent, and the air was thick with tension.

"Is he telling the truth, Alexei? Or is he just trying to calm everyone down?" she asked, her eyes searching for any hint suggesting that he might not be.

"Relax, Evelyn. The Sheriff has no reason to lie about something like this. He's a man of integrity, and Janet is his daughter. He wouldn’t leave her in harm’s way," I reassured her, my tone steady.

“I just hope he’s not because it would make me even madder than I already am,” she retorted before walking out of the room.

The relief was palpable among the officers, a collective sigh echoing through the room. I stepped forward, addressing the team. "I want to thank everyone for their efforts. You've shown dedication and commitment in the face of uncertainty. Now, let's focus on the positive—Janet is home and safe."

Evelyn returned, still looking distracted, like multiple things were occupying her mind. Her mind was far away, and the toll of the day was etched on her face. I respected her need for silence, allowing the quiet hum of the car engine to fill the space between us.

Upon reaching the house, she collapsed on the floor, and I sat with her.

She sighed, running a hand through her messy hair. "I keep replaying everything in my head. The cases, the mysteries. It feels like I'm chasing shadows."

I stood up, moving closer to her. "Evelyn, we'll figure this out. One step at a time."

She met my gaze, thevulnerability in her eyes reflecting my own. "I appreciate your support, Alexei. I just... I feel the weight of it all. The responsibility."

I reached out, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You're not alone in this, Evelyn. We're in it together. And we've already made progress. The Sheriff's daughter is safe."

A faint smile touched her lips, gratitude shimmering in her eyes. "Thank you, Alexei. I don't say it enough, but I'm glad you're here."


I was enveloped in a quiet slumber when my phone jarred me awake. Anastasia's name flickered on the screen, the shrill ring cutting through the stillness. For the first time in three weeks, it felt like I was living in a dream, the same number I had tried to reach multiple times finally calling me back.

I picked it up hurriedly and paused. Last time I was happy to have found something that could lead me to my sister, but all I got was something worse, her pile of hair lying in a massacred coven. I didn’t want to get ahead of myself. What if the caller wasn’t my sister?

“Ana?” I asked softly and I heard her gasp, as if she was in shock. That was my Anastasia, my sister.

“Alexei, I was so scared that I would never hear from you again.”She sobbed and I felt all the nerves in my body come alive. I was going to kill everyone who dared to harm my sister. I would be their nemesis.

“Where are you, Ana? Let me come get you,”I replied and the line went silent for a while. I could feel my entire body going up inflames again. This was the first time I was hearing from her in three weeks.

“The Elm’s Palace”She croaked again, and the line went silent for a moment. My blood ran cold.

The location she just mentioned was a codename for one of the most dangerous places in Harmony Grove.

The Elm’s Palace does not operate under the laws of Harmony Grove. They do not operate under any law. It was a stage for criminals and power-obsessed individuals to prove themselves for respect, it was a dark fighting ring.

"Alexei, come alone, or they'll kill me."

This time, the line went dead. I knew she wouldn’t call back and I also knew Ana had gotten herself involved in the nastiest of things. If her captor wanted to resolve things by the black book, why set up an entire stage in the Luminara Coven or go dark for three weeks?

I quickly wrote a note for Evelyn, telling her I had to leave without saying exactly why. I hoped she'd understand, or better, I would be back before she knew I was missing. I was going out there to bring my sister home and nobody would be able to stop me.



The next morning, I felt good as the sun warmed me on my way to the police station. I was walking again. Alexei had left me a note that he had gone out to get something and it made me wonder what time he woke up this morning. I was out like a light the moment my head touched the pillow.

Alexei's comforting words from yesterday still made me feel strong and ready for whatever was coming. I smiled as I remembered how he reminded me why I came here in the first place, why I became an FBIagent.

The goal for today was simple. The killer we were searching for had evolved, and he was no longer the same person who fit the existing profile. I needed to speak to Janet and the officers that went for the rescue. They may have seen something that could help shed light on the new profile we needed to create.
