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She chuckled, the sound devoid of warmth. "You always misunderstood me, Alexei. I'm simply embracing the inevitable."

My mind raced, seeking a way out of this dire situation. I couldn't let them win, for the sake of Harmony Grove, Evelyn, and even Anastasia. I continued to press them for information, determined to find a weakness in their resolve.

"What do you plan to do with Harmony Grove?" I demanded, my voice a low, dangerous rumble.

Anastasia circled me, a predator revelling in its prey's vulnerability. "We will reshape it, bring it under the true rule of the supernatural. No more hiding in the shadows."

"You're dooming us all," I retorted, frustration bubbling within me. "There's no power in tyranny."

"You'll see, dear brother," she whispered, her eyes glinting with dark satisfaction. "You'll see the dawn of a new era."

I fell silent, a sense of impending doom settling over me. The council's laughter echoed, a haunting chorus that drowned out any hope of salvation. In the face of betrayal, I clung to the belief that Harmony Grove would not succumb to the shadows, that the fight for its survival was far from over.

I felt something stab my legs and I looked down to see my sister holding a syringe as she pushed the contents into my body. She smiled at me while pumping my body full of poison.

Pain seared through my body as the poison coursed through my veins. My vision blurred, but I could still make out the twisted faces of those who had orchestrated my demise. My sister, and the vampire council—betrayal took on a sinister visage.

I struggled against the restraints, every movement sending waves of agony through my limbs. My mind, however, remained sharp, a weapon I clung to in the face of impending darkness.

I strained against the tight bindings, frustration and helplessness increasing my anger. Anastasia stood before me, an embodiment of betrayal. I demanded answers, my voice laced with urgency.

"Where is Evelyn?" I demanded, my eyes locked with Anastasia's.

A sinister smile played on her lips. "Oh, your cute little FBI agent?" she taunted. "She's about to meet the same fate as the rest of the dead vampires in Harmony Grove."

My blood ran cold. "What are you talking about?"

Anastasia leaned in, her words dripping with malice. "The one who's been hunting us, the one killing our kind. The same one you have dedicated your time to finding.That person will make sure Evelyn doesn't survive."

"Why would you want to kill other vampires if you plan to rule Harmony Grove?" I pressed, seeking to understand the twisted logic behind their actions.

"We can't have dissenters," Anastasia replied coldly. "Those who oppose our ideas need to be eradicated. It's the only way to establish our rule without resistance."

My mind raced to comprehend the extent of their ruthlessness. "You're sacrificing our kind for power."

Anastasia shrugged, indifferent to the consequences. "Sacrifices are necessary for progress. Harmony Grove will thank us when it thrives under our reign."

The creaking of the door drew my attention. The Sheriff entered, a cold smirk on his face. I locked eyes with him, desperation and disbelief mingling within me.

"Sheriff, are you part of this?" I asked, my voice wavering. I desperately wanted him to tell me they were joking, but the look on his face was telling me something else.

He chuckled, a sound devoid of remorse. "Alexei, my friend, you've always been a fool. I've been part of this since the beginning."

“Your daughter was never kidnapped. That was you playing the rest of your officers?” I asked and he nodded.

“Smart boy, now you are catching up”

Betrayal cut through me like a blade. "Why?"

"Power, Alexei. The taste of power is addictive," the Sheriff replied, his laughter joining Anastasia's.

I struggled against the restraints, a mix of rage and despair consuming me. They were taking pleasure in my torment, enjoying their perceived victory.

"Youthought you could change Harmony Grove, but you were nothing more than a pawn," the Sheriff sneered.

As their laughter echoed, I vowed to fight against the impending darkness, for Harmony Grove, for Evelyn, and for the vampires who deserved a chance at survival.

"You've always been a hindrance, Alexei," Ana spat. "You and your sense of morality, your refusal to let us indulge freely in the bloodshed we so crave. It's time Harmony Grove belonged to the vampires entirely, and I plan to be its mayor."
