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"Sign it over, Alexei," she demanded, holding my resignation letter in front of me. "The vampire throne is rightfully mine, and you know it. Your time is over."

I gritted my teeth, resisting the pain, and glared at her. "Never."

Ana chuckled, a soundthat sent shivers down my spine. "You're a fool, Alexei. Stubborn to the end. But don't worry, I have ways to change your mind."

As the hallucinations set in, vivid and disturbing, I fought to maintain my focus. I wouldn't let her break me. Not now. Not ever.

The chains on my hands were off now. Ana knew I was too weak to attack her in this state, and even if I wasn’t, I would never harm my little sister. I was struggling to stand in the middle of the room. The chains on my leg were still there, limiting my movement.

Ana leaned in, her voice a sinister whisper. "You see, Alexei, I have the power to make your worst nightmares come to life. I can make you relive your most painful memories, over and over again until you're begging for mercy."

I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the nightmarish visions assaulting my mind. But even in the darkness behind my eyelids, the torment persisted.

"Give in, Alexei," Ana taunted. "Sign the damn paper, and it will all end."

My jaw clenched, and I shook my head defiantly. "No."

In an instant, the scene around me shifted. I found myself standing amid a burning village, the acrid scent of smoke filling my nostrils. The screams of innocent people echoing in my ears. I recognized this place—it was the aftermath of a massacre I had perpetrated centuries ago. The weight of guilt bore down on me like an insurmountable burden.

I knelt down, holding my head tightly, desperately hoping that it would all disappear.

Ana's voice cut through the chaos. "Is this what you wanted, Alexei? The consequences of your actions laid bare."

I stumbled forward, my hands shaking. "Enough!" I was trying hard to keep my balance on my feet, but I found myself going down again.

The hallucination morphed again, and I was transported to a moonlit night in Harmony Grove. Evelyn stood before me, her eyes filled with disappointment. I could see the pain I had caused her, and it tore at my undead heart.

"Evelyn," I whispered, reaching out to touch her, but she vanished like mist.

Ana's laughter echoed around me. "You're pathetic, Alexei. A monster haunted by his sins. You don't deserve the throne."

But as the hallucinations continued, a strength surged within me. Thoughts of Evelyn became a lifeline, a flicker of humanity in the darkness. I began to speak, my words a desperate attempt to hold on to my sanity.

"You don't understand, Ana. Evelyn… she makes me feel alive. For the first time in centuries, I feel like a person, not a monster. I can't let you take that away from me."

Ana's eyes narrowed, the amusement fading. "Love is a weakness, Alexei. It makes you vulnerable."

I shook my head, my resolve strengthening. "No, Ana. It's my strength. Evelyn has shown me that there's more to this existence than power and control. I won't let you destroy that."

As I spoke, the hallucinations began to wane. The burning village and Evelyn's disappearing form faded into the background. I found myself back in the dimly lit room, facing Ana, who looked less amused and more irritated than before.

"You're wasting your breath, Alexei," she sneered. "No one can resist my influence."

But I could feel the remnants of Evelyn's presence, a warmth that lingered even in the cold darkness of the room. I met Ana's gaze, determination burning in my eyes.

"I will never sign over the throne to you," I declared, my voice unwavering. "And no amount of torment will change that."

With that, Ana stormed out of the room, leaving me alone with the fading echoes of the hallucinations. The pain lingered, but so did the newfound strength emboldened by thoughts of Evelyn. For the first time in days, I felt a glimmer of hope in the darkness that surrounded me.



Iwent around Alexei's house quietly, making sure not to make any noise. I turned off the lights, making it look like I'd already left for New York. It was a trick meant to throw off Sheriff Callum and his men, so they wouldn't know I was still around.

My main goal was to find Alexei and figure out why he had disappeared without a goodbye. I was certain that Alexei would never leave me that way. I was left with only one option: reaching out to the moonblood witches. That would mean agreeing to do the ritual to restore their powers for them. I couldn’t think of anything I stood to lose by helping them, and I wanted to save Alexei if he was in danger.

Waiting until it got dark, I called the number Selene gave me to contact the coven. I felt a mix of nerves and determination as I dialed.A soft voice answered, and soon, a witch soon arrived discretely to take me to the Luminara Coven.
