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The journey felt strange, full of shadows and hushed secrets. The moonlit night surrounded us as we travelled to their hidden place. When we got there, the air felt charged with magical energy, and the moonblood witches greeted me with curiosity and excitement.

"I'm ready to help," I said, looking at them with determination. "Help me find Alexei, and I'll assist you in completing the ritual to regain your powers."

They looked thrilled and grateful for the opportunity to have the ritual completed. Without wasting time, they took me to the heart of their secret chamber. Candles flickered, casting shadows on the walls, and an altar with symbols and trinkets took center stage.

Selene, the leader of the coven, came up to me with a warm smile.

"You've made a brave choice, Evelyn. We'll guide you through the process, and together, we'll achieve our goals." Selene’s words reinforced my belief that I had made the right decision, not only for the coven, but also for myself and Alexei.

As they prepared for the ritual, I prepared myself for something unknown. The moonblood witches worked with purpose, chanting and gesturing to bring out ancient powers. The energy in the room shifted, a delicate balance between magic and reality.

Selene guided me through each step, and I could feel the anticipation in the air. It felt like my actions were about to start something important, with far-reaching consequences.

During a break, I asked Selene about my birth mother, Celeste. It had always been a mystery.

"Selene, do you know anything about my birth mother, Celeste?" I asked, and Selene paused, looking at me with a mix of sadness and compassion.

"Celeste was a kind and powerful witch, Evelyn. She was known for her generosity and compassion, always using her magic to help those in need. Your mother was beloved within our community." Selene spoke softly, and I nodded.

Her words made me feel connected to someone warm and kind, a contrast to the darkness in my own life.

"What happened to her? Why was I separated from her?" I asked, wanting to know more. Selene sighed before answering.

“There were forces at play, Evelyn, forces beyond our understanding. Celeste faced a grave threat, and to protect you, she made the heart-wrenching decision to separate from you temporarily. It was a sacrifice made from love, a desperate attempt to shield you from the dangers that lurked in the shadows. What matters is that she’s at peace now and she would be proud to know that you reconnected with your roots” Selene replied with a final air and every other question I wanted to ask died in my throat.

Hearing this made me shiver, realizing the weight of my mother's sacrifice. I had been kept in the dark about my origins and the sacrifices made for me.

Selene's commitment increased my determination. We went back to preparing for the ritual, the energy in the room growing with each passing moment. As the moonblood witches worked their magic, I couldn't stop thinking about Alexei. I just hoped he was safe and that I would get to the bottom of things very soon.

Kneeling in the middle of the sacred space with moon symbols elegantly placed throughout and surrounded by candles, I felt the energy change. Older witches chanted ancient words, and moonlight filled the room, creating a magical atmosphere.

As the ritual went on, the air buzzed with power, and I could sense the magic around me, coursing through me. My connection to thesource of the moon power strengthened as the ritual progressed, as did my ability to sense the presence of the other witches. The sense of belonging that had filled me when I witnessed that first ritual in this room returned. I wasn’t only gaining strength and power tonight; I had fully entered the sisterhood of the coven. Looking around the room, I saw the awed expressions on each of the witches faces and knew they felt the same rush of energy I did. It was hard to believe I was completing the ceremony my birth mother had started years ago. Strange markings started to appear all over my skin, glowing bright as the wave of power filling me reached its peak.

Closing my eyes, I focused on the chanting. The energy surged, and the strange markings on my skin tingled, reacting to the magical currents. It was exciting and overwhelming, like connecting with something beyond my understanding.

The chanting got louder, the markings on my body brightening even more until that ethereal glow filled the air. I could feel the moon power coming back, like meeting an old friend again. It gave me a boost of energy, and the tiredness I had been feeling started to melt away.

Once the chanting stopped, I found myself on the floor, oddly feeling both drained and renewed. The older witches shared looks that said the ritual was successful. I felt a change in me, like something that was asleep within me had been awakened.

But getting all that power made me really tired. I felt heavy and swayed a bit as I moved to stand. The older witches came closer, looking relieved and happy, but a bit concerned too.

Selene, with warm eyes, came up to me. "It's done, chosen one," she said. "Rest now. You handled our magic well."

I nodded and let myself fall onto the cool floor. The room, which was full of magical energy before, felt calm now. The candles flickered gently, like a soothing lullaby after the magical excitement.

Selene, strong and graceful, knelt next to me. She held me gently, making me feel safe and warm. Selene, who seemed timeless, carried the weight of many generations.

The coven made a path for Selene as she carried me to a quieter room. Their eyes showed respect and thanks for what I had done to bring back their magic.

I was laid on a bed with moon symbols. She spoke in a calming voice, "Rest, Evelyn. The moon's power is back, and you, our chosen one, made it happen. The coven thanks you."

I managed a tired smile and said, "Thank you, Selene."

She touched my forehead, cool and soothing. "Sleep now. Tomorrow, there will be new challenges, and you'll face them with the moon's strength."

With that, Selene left me to sleep. The room, lit by moonlight and soft candles, felt peaceful. As I fell into dreams, the echoes of the ritual stayed with me, and the promise of a reawakened power settled in my soul.

After the coven felt their ancestral powers revived, they felt energized. The air was filled with long-lost energies, and the older witches were happy to have their old abilities back. Even I could feel a new strength within me, like a hidden flame coming to life.
