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Alexei stepped forward. "Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather not just to appoint a new Sheriff, but to welcome family. Evelyn, you've shown unwavering dedication, and Harmony Grove is fortunate to have you as its guardian."

Applause filled the room as Alexei handed me the Sheriff's badge. The weight of the emblem settled on my chest, a symbol of trust and duty.

Alexei extended his hand, and I shook it with gratitude. As the applause continued, Alexei leaned in and whispered, "Congratulations, Sheriff. Harmony Grove couldn't ask for anyone better."

The ceremony transitioned into a small reception, where well-wishers offered their congratulations.

Alexei and I stood together, sharing smiles and laughter with the people who had become my extended family. As the crowd dispersed, Alexei suggested, "How about dinner to celebrate?”

I nodded, and we headed to a cozy restaurant in town. I couldn’t think of a more perfect way to celebrate tonight than with him, alone together.

"You know, I always had a feeling you'd make an excellent Sheriff," he said, his tone sincere.

I chuckled. "Well, I can't promise drama-free days, but I'll do mybest."

As the evening unfolded, Alexei's gaze became more intense, and I sensed a shift in the air.

"Evelyn," he began, his eyes searching mine, "I've been thinking about something."

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "What's on your mind?"

He took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you'd consider just being Mine.”

The question hung in the air, and for a moment, the world seemed to pause. I smiled. His honesty and the genuine affection we held for each other bloomed between us. I wasn’t sure what I needed right now. I had just finalised my divorce with Thomas, so rushing into another singular relationship felt strange.

"Alexei, you've made Harmony Grove feel like home, and I value our connection. But let us take our future a bit slower, especially with this new chapter as Sheriff. I hope you understand. Besides, we need to continue our one-night stand to see how we move forward as a couple with love between us verses lust and need."

Alexei nodded, his expression understanding. "Of course, Evelyn. I respect that. We can take it at your pace, but you need to know my mind is already made up. I love you, and that does not come easy to vampires."

Our dinner continued, the atmosphere easing into a comfortable relationship. As I began to relax into the moment's joy, my phone rang, startling us both. The caller ID revealed it was the police station.

"Excuse me, Alexei," I said, answering the call. The voice on the other end was urgent.

"Sheriff, there's something you need to see as soon as possible. It's important."

I exchanged a concerned look with Alexei, who gestured for me to go. "I'll wait for you here. Duty calls. I trust you, Sheriff, weare in good hands.” Alexei called after me, “Call me if you need me,” and I nodded.

I was honoured by the fact that he trusted me enough to put me in this position. I only hoped I’d be able to meet whatever bar Sheriff Callum had previously set. It was time for a new chapter, but I had no idea what it held for me, for Alexei, or for Harmony Grove.
