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His lips caught her clit, holding it firm as his tongue flickered over her. Drawing in a long breath, she let it go in a moan and planted her other hand on the counter behind her to raise her hips closer to his intimate kiss.

It didn’t take him long to get her going, not when he was so thorough in his skill. Lapping at her opening, he lubricated his route with the tip of his tongue, circling and pushing it into her, moving at the pace of her hips.

Close to the edge, Tess could feel the shimmers of climax quaking through her, ready to explode. Just before they did, he stood up and twined an arm around her to guide her body onto his waiting cock.

“Better,” she said, relaxing her eyelids. His weren’t much more open than hers. “You’re so damn good at everything, Danny Boy.”

One of his dimples appeared slowly, the same pace as the undulation of his body. In typical Danny style, he was in no rush, no hurry to get to the finish line. Pushing as far into her as he could, he paused there for a few seconds, then pulled back, leaving only half of himself inside her. He swayed in and out, playing with her, moving an inch back and forth.

Digging her teeth into her lip, the promise of orgasm was too close for her to ignore. “Faster, Danny.”

“I’ve been thinking ‘bout this all day,” he said, skimming his hands around to unhook her bra.

It fell away and his rough hands closed around her breasts, fondling her, enjoying her, using her for his pleasure. He didn’t want to go faster because he wanted that moment. That was what he’d been thinking about. The sex, sure, but she could read it in the way he drank her in. It wasn’t just the orgasm; he wanted to savor her.

Tess had never been savored. The moment. She’d never lived in the now. Her life was running, always being aware, planning for what was next, suspecting every coincidence.

“Danny,” she whispered, pushing off her hand to press her body to his.

“Not so bad havin’ a willing woman waiting in my trailer at the end of the day.”

Brushing her lips across his chest, she peeked up at him, squeezing her inner muscles to tease him a little. “I cooked for you too.”

His brows went up; she side-nodded at the stove. Tess held his ribs as he leaned to the side and took the lid from the pot to dip his finger into the sauce. As he sucked the digit into his mouth, his brow descended.

“No good?” she asked, worried his expression couldn’t mean anything positive.

It took another couple of seconds for his finger to slide free of his lips. His brow relaxed again, and he smiled down at her. “Don’t taste as good as you.”

On a laugh, she wrapped both arms around him. “That’s a good line.”

“Wonder if we’ve got any candles around.”

Dinner by candlelight. Nice idea that wouldn’t happen.

“I’m working tonight,” she said. “You’ll be stag.”

Leaning over her, he forced her back, his hips moving between her thighs. “Better make the most of you while I’ve got you then,” he mumbled, kissing her head and pulling his cock out to slam it into her again.

Once his mind was set on his goal, it didn’t take long for him to get there. His finesse took both of them over the precipice of orgasm. And, as usual, he withdrew to deal with the condom while she was left trying to figure out who she was and what planet they were on.

The mess of papers on the dinette table reminded her what she’d been doing before he arrived looking for action. Sliding from the counter, Tess snagged his beer and drank some while running an eye over her day’s work.

Without looking, she felt him coming down the center of the trailer. “I still can’t believe they’re gone,” she said.

Danny stopped behind her, reaching around to take the beer from her hand as he kissed the top of her head. “You call the cops?”

“No,” she said and breathed out. “I thought about it, but what are they going to do? It’s not like I have any evidence the letters were even there. Who would steal letters and leave the TV? Besides, it was sort of my mother’s philosophy to avoid official type agencies as much as possible.”

“How come?” he asked, giving her the beer back and going down the trailer to drop into his recliner.

Turning to him, she had the bottle at her lips when she noticed his focus on her body. Jerking the bottle away, Tess glanced down at her naked form, comparing that to his clothed one. Next time she looked at his face, he was grinning.

“I should get some clothes from home.”

“Don’t bother me,” he said, sliding into a slouch and propping the side of his wrist on the top of his head as he pressed the power button to extend the footrest of the chair. “Kinda works.”

“Yeah, for you,” she said, putting down the bottle and reversing up the trailer to open the closet next to the stove. “What if one of your buddies walk in? Not like you ever lock your door.”
