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“And revenge,” Daire said. “Harry wants revenge too.”

“And what do you want?” Tess asked. “Say you catch up with this Zeus or he catches up with you? Do you want to kill him or join him?”

The expectation of an answer came from both her and Harry.

“Sit back,” Daire said. “Put your seatbelt on.”

“Why? Because you might drive into something out of spite?” Tess slid her ass to the back of her seat and did as asked. “These six guys, The Six, you call them by their numbers. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six. You said Six is the only original left. You also said Two and Five are dead. Were they originals?”


“And you said that they wanted to restructure. They approached both of you because they wanted things to change,” she said, tipping her head back. “I don’t know how long Olympus has been a thing. Daire’s mom died as Olympus A crumbled and he’s six years older than me, so it has to be over thirty years, forty years.”

“Does she have a point?” Harry murmured.

“She’s getting to it,” Daire said.

Nice they were happy to talk about her like she wasn’t there. Their input wasn’t required anyway. “It suggests the newer members of your Six were the driving force behind the changes. Six told Zeus, so we know his loyalty is there. I’d say One, Three and Four are most likely next up in Zeus’s crosshairs… unless they’ve struck a deal with Zeus already.”

Daire’s head moved like he glanced in the mirror again. “If you’re looking to save people, baby, there are people more worthy.”

Baby? Did he just…?

“We save them, they’d be grateful,” Harry said. “Unless they’ve already struck a deal for financing with Zeus.”

“Why would they do that if they were the ones who wanted him out?” Tess asked.

“Zeus is a dangerous guy, a persuasive guy,” Daire said. “If he confronted them—”

“They’d do everything Z said to save their lives… One is most likely to be above that. He has resources of his own,” Harry said, leaving that to pique her curiosity before changing the subject. “It’ll be dark when we arrive. Hunting season.”

“You want to get straight to it?”

“No need to waste time,” Harry said. “We’ll park your rig, rent a car…” He took his little black device from his pocket. “I’ll make reservations.”

Suggesting he was going online. Being so close to a connection to the web made her uneasy.

Her busy mind distracted her and her attention drifted to the rearview again. Daire was facing front, doing his job, watching the road. The strong line of his brow was relaxed, it wasn’t taxed by thought. He seemed at ease, from what she could see in the narrow reflection of the mirror.

Thinking of Danny was an odd consolation, imagining he was still there, alive in her life… Her heart knew it wasn’t true. The rest of her was humiliated by reality. Forgetting about the danger, plotting, and deceptions, her thoughts floated back in time. To the roller rink, to the cherry on his shake, the taste of his mouth…

Danny didn’t exist.

But she wanted his comfort. Wanted him to curl his little finger around hers, to pull her close…

When the eyes in the mirror moved, they locked onto hers. Hers stayed put. She should tear them away, but the snare of his attention was too powerful. Losing herself in that moment, it took a second to register the track coming from the speakers. Danny’s seduction tune.

Had she known that song was on the mix she selected? Maybe. Her muscles relaxed, her thoughts slowed, and everything became okay again. For just a glimmer of seconds, she wanted to stop being worried, stop being angry and scared. She wanted a piece of Danny’s peace. He’d been able to calm her with his touch, with his kiss… with his hands.

Daire was still looking at her. Fixated on her in the mirror. Hating him would be easy. She could hate him for lying to her, hate him for betraying her, for making her feel something, for giving her security, then snatching it away.

But when he was looking at her like that… His quick wink should’ve startled her, disgusted her. Instead Tess’s lips curled. Danny used to wink at her like that. To comfort her, play with her and connect them even when they couldn’t touch. Not that they couldn’t touch often.

Daire hadn’t just slept with her to gain her confidence, he’d made her believe he wanted her every minute. Danny anyway. Talk about overkill. Wouldn’t the occasional intimacy have sufficed? Instead, he’d taken it at every single opportunity. The reminder took her smile and her gaze from the mirror. Danny wasn’t there. He’d never be there again.

“Done,” Harry said, putting the device back in his pocket. “We should eat on the road, so we’re ready to go out as soon as we arrive. I’ve rented tuxes too.”

“Tuxes?” Tess asked, her chin rising. “You want me to wear a tux as well?”
