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“Business,” he said, rounding the low table central to the heavy patio chairs. “And Olympus, of course, it’s time we got back on track.”

She smiled. “Couldn’t agree more.”

He opened his hands. “Red or white?”

Tucking her fingers under her thighs, she rocked forward. “Surprise me.”

The man had been home for just a few minutes and was already entertaining. Must be the Vegas way. Hugo went back inside, leaving her to enjoy the essence of peace for a few seconds. Not that she was alone.

“If you loiter there all night keeping a lid on it…” she said to the man watching her, “your head will explode.”

She didn’t need to look to know Daire was on the patio somewhere behind her. Stewing in his own… whatever that had been inside.

“That fuck puts his hands on you, I’ll open his throat ear to ear.”

The deep growl of his low voice came from the blackest depth of his soul. She’d never heard him so primal. Despite trying to swallow it away, a smile curled her lips. Her head stayed down, hopefully no one would notice he’d aroused her… including him.

“Weren’t you just saying tonight that no one could ever know about us?” she whispered, her chin drifting toward her shoulder. “I think if you murder an Olympus backer while he’s making a move on me, someone might notice.”

“I’ll invent a reason to kill him.”

Another smile threatened her lips. Not because she wanted Hugo to die, no. But anything that revealed the extent of Daire’s feelings thrilled her.

“Just make up a reason that an innocent man has to die?”

“No man who touches you is innocent.”

“You touch me,” she murmured.


He moved in behind her, his fingertips brushing across her hair. Flowing with the almost invisible caress, her heavy eyelids closed.

Hugo’s voice broke her trance. “Sorry for the delay.”

They’d been talking about him, but she’d almost forgotten their host would be returning. Hugo took the seat next to hers and put two wine glasses down on the table. The bottle in his other hand was already open, so he began to pour the rich red liquid.

“There’s nothing like a good red,” he said, glancing over her head. “We don’t need oversight here, Ares. You can stand down.”

Ares might be able to stand down. The man who called himself her Heart? Not so much.

“If anything exciting happens,” she said, wearing a smile. “I promise to scream.”

What else could she say? Asking Daire to stay would contradict a man clearly used to giving orders. Witnessing her drinking and socializing with another man would also drive Daire to the edge of his control. She wouldn’t have tagged him as the jealous type, not until his reaction to Three. Turned out it took little to rub her Heart the wrong way.

Hugo had already mentioned Olympus. Harry didn’t think there was any need for her to understand the agency. She thought different. So if this Three was willing to give her answers, she’d let him.

“Thirty minutes,” Daire said, retreating into the house.


WHAT WOULD HAPPEN WHEN the thirty minutes were up? Anything was possible. Tantalizing. Pointing her tongue to the center of her upper lip, her imagination teased.

Hugo offered her a glass of wine. “It’s an incredible way of life, isn’t it?” he asked, a laugh on his breath as he raised his glass to hers. “To new friendships.”

“New friendships,” she said, touching her glass to his before taking it to her lips.

The wine was incredible; he was right about that. The taste was somewhat tainted by the sensation of her Heart’s eyes on the back of her head. He was inside, as far as she could tell, but had her in his eyeline. It wasn’t unpleasant to know he was intent on keeping her safe. Still, he was kind of proving her point about her being a distraction.
