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Typical that he could put a smile on her face. Her Heart was being completely serious, she knew that, there wasn’t a hint of amusement in his words.

Still, Tess smiled and shook her head. “You’re not very good at this not being together thing.”

“There’s not being together and then there’s not being together.”

She frowned at the pool. His body was so close that all she had to do was breathe out and drop her shoulders to make contact. It was risky. But she was learning Daire wasn’t all that averse to taking chances.

“He doesn’t talk to me like I’m an idiot.”

“Neither do I.”

“Yeah, but you treated me like one,” she said, running her fingers over her hair. On a sigh, she switched focus to the wine still on the table. “If I got really crazy drunk and passed out, would you make sure no one violates me?”

“No one else? Sure.” Another smile quirked her lips. That time, there was amusement. “I’ll carry you upstairs, lock the door behind us, help you out of those uncomfortable clothes… Make sure you’re good and relaxed.”

Her pajamas weren’t uncomfortable… would be easy for him to remove though. “A massage would help me relax.”

“There are some areas that’ll need extended attention.”

“I promise to take care of anything you extend for me.”

Swaying back, she loved his steady, sure form, there to hold her up. They just stood there, appreciating each other in silence, probably for too long.

“How can I miss you when you’re standing with me?” she whispered. “I’m lonely and you’re right here.”

“Harry’s not wrong about Three,” Daire said, more professional than before.

It wasn’t right of her to keep reminding him of their connection when they’d both agreed a relationship was off limits.

“You know I don’t want to be with him.”

“He has an agenda.”

“And I’m no good at being invisible.” Taking one step, she put space between them to turn around. “You’re occupied. This is your life. I’m happy for you that you have it back.”

Sort of. Olympus wasn’t at its glorious peak, but they were on the road toward progress at least.

“But you’re lonely.”

“It’s not your fault. I was spoiled with your attention before I knew who you were. I promised not to be selfish. And I’m working on that… You should thank Hugo for distracting me. If all I have is time to think about you…” she said, narrowing the space between them and changing her angle to snag his pinkie with hers. “I’ll drive you nutty.” She dipped closer to catch his attention when it drifted down. “Remember that see-through babydoll? Do you think I’d look good in it by the pool?”

That got his head to come back up fast. “You even think about it…”

She laughed and twirled around to sashay toward the patio door. “As long as my father’s in the house, you don’t have to worry about me flaunting anything…” Pausing on the threshold, she peeked back at him to whisper, “not outside our bedroom anyway.”

Going inside before he could catch up, she continued to the entry living space where Hugo and her father were with Garrick, Boze, and Lowe.

They all turned to her, so she stopped. “What?”

“Just straightening things out,” Hugo said, coming over. “The guys are transferring your things into the master.”

“Excuse me?”

“Only right that you should have the most sumptuous room in the house.”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I like my room.” And the man in it.

“The master is more secure. It’s at the back of the house.”
