Page 11 of Safe & Sound

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At least now Drake knew why Ajax had done that. “Wait. What did you smell? What does a mate smell like?”

Ajax shrugged. “It’s different for everyone. For me, you smell like cherry blossoms.”

Drake nearly choked. “I smell like flowers?”

“Yes.” Ajax laughed. “It’s a very specific scent. I’ve never smelled it on anyone else.” He reached out and brushed Drake’s shoulder with the tips of his fingers. “It’s beautiful and unique to only you.”

Drake’s heart thumped wildly, and his skin tingled. He’d been feeling something since he’d laid eyes on Ajax, but he hadn’t been able to put his finger on it until now—an instant connection with Ajax, like he’d been searching for something and had finally found it.

He suddenly thought back to Elijah’s words. Fate had handpicked him for Ajax. How crazy was that?

He didn’t know what to do, but he couldn’t deny the magnetism between them.

“I’ve freaked you out,” Ajax said. “That wasn’t my intention, although, to be fair, it was Elijah who stuck his nose where it didn’t belong.”

“And if he hadn’t?” Drake asked. “When did you plan on telling me?”

“After we’d gotten to know each other better,” Ajax said. “When you’ve got something that important to say, it settles better when a friend tells you than a complete stranger.”

Ajax was right because Drake sat there with racing thoughts and wasn’t sure if he should stay or run like Elijah had done. This had to be a weird dream, and he would wake up soon. Yet he knew it couldn’t be a dream because a guy as hot as Ajax had never starred in his dreams before.

“I’m going to open the café back up because you look like you need some time to yourself, unless you have questions for me.”

Drake pinched Ajax.

“Ow!” Ajax frowned. “Why’d you do that?”

“To make sure I wasn’t dreaming.”

“I think you got that wrong. You’re supposed to pinch yourself.” Ajax rubbed his arm.

“Pinching myself would hurt,” Drake said.

Ajax pinched him.

“Ow!” Drake yanked his arm back.

“Guess I’m not dreaming,” Ajax said as he stood. “Any questions?”

“A ton,” Drake admitted. “But you’re right. I need time to figure all of this out.”

Kenji walked in from the patio, stopped, and stared at them like he’d been caught sneaking inside. “Needed a refill on my coffee.”

Ajax sighed. “I’ll get it before you break my machine again.”

“I didn’t break it,” Kenji argued. “That was Elijah.”

“You didn’t stop him,” Ajax pointed out.

Drake smiled. The two must’ve been good friends if they spoke to each other that way. “How long have you two known each other?”

“About 250 years,” Kenji said matter-of-factly, but then he looked at Drake like he hadn’t meant to reveal that.

Ajax slapped Kenji’s upper arm. “Between you and Elijah, Drake’s brain is going to melt.”

“Did you just say 250 years?” Now Drake really was going to pass out.

“Get the fuck back on the patio,” Ajax snarled at Kenji.
