Page 15 of Safe & Sound

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Drake sucked in a breath at all the scrumptious skin revealed to him, until Ajax grabbed the waistband of his boxer briefs. Drake looked away.

“Pay attention,” Ajax said.

Drake made sure to stare at the guy’s face.

“Like I said, I’ll know who you are and be able to understand you, so don’t be frightened.”

Drake nodded, and in the blink of an eye, Ajax was replaced by a humungous wolf. When Drake had woken this morning, he had no idea what a twist this day would take. He stood in front of a massive wolf, staring into its eyes.

“Don’t be frightened?” Drake squeaked. “I didn’t know they made wolves in your size. I feel like Little Red Riding Hood about to be gobbled up.”

The wolf nuzzled Drake’s hand. Drake petted the creature, amazed at how soft its fur was. It was the most surreal moment in Drake’s entire life. He glided his fingers through Ajax’s fur, caressed the wolf’s head, and tickled it under its chin.

Then Drake’s phone erupted. He cursed as he pulled it out to see his cousin calling him.

Just that fast Ajax was a guy again. A very naked guy. “Take your call while I get dressed. We’ll talk afterward.”

Drake was still reeling from the fact he’d seen a man change into an animal. He didn’t want to talk to Brody right now. He wanted to see the wolf again.

Or ogle Ajax’s naked body.

“What?” he snapped when he answered, pissed that his cousin had intruded on a wondrous moment.

“I found a job,” Brody said with excitement.

“Congrats. That’s great. But for how long?” Drake asked.

“I promise I’ll keep this one, Drake,” Brody said as Ajax walked away, clearly giving Drake privacy.

“You’ve promised that before.” Drake sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Now isn’t a good time.”

“I’m just going to have to show you that I’m gonna keep my word,” Brody said. “You know how it’s been since my father died.”

Drake wasn’t in the mood for Brody to play that card. Brody’s dad, Drake’s uncle, had died when Drake was small, and he’d never gotten to know the guy. Brody hadn’t either, but he liked to use that excuse when things got tough.

Tido had claimed a few months back that Drake didn’t have an uncle. At one time Drake had, and Tido knew that. His best friend wasn’t trying to be mean. It was just a fact.

“We’ll talk about this later.” Drake hung up and headed back inside the café.

Chapter Four

Ajax had no idea who’d been on the other end of the phone with Drake. Did Drake have a boyfriend and didn’t know how to tell him? The guy was hot enough to have a few men vying for his attention, so it was possible that Drake wasn’t single.

But Ajax was going to play it cool until he found out. Fate might have thought they’d be perfect together, but there was such a thing as shitty timing. Someone could find the person they were meant to spend the rest of their life with only to discover that person was either taken or married.

“Sorry about that.” Drake gave him a polite smile.

“Everything okay?” That one simple question meant more to Ajax than anything ever had before. Maybe that would allow Drake to open up and tell him he was already seeing someone.

Ajax was dying to ask the question outright on whether Drake was already taken, but he didn’t want to seem intrusive. He had to let Drake tell him, but that didn’t mean Ajax couldn’t draw out the answer from him.

“Oh yeah, um, sure.” Drake shrugged, ducking his head sheepishly. “I have to go.” He looked up at Ajax with wide, spellbinding eyes. “Not because of your wolf thingy.”

Wolf thingy?

“I just have to take care of some…stuff.” Drake looked toward the door but didn’t move. He glanced back at Ajax, as if unsure what to do.

Ajax forced his wolf not to snarl. He took a seat on the couch, spread his legs in a comfortable way, and simply nodded, though he wanted to demand to know the answer to his burning question. “Sure, stuff.”
