Page 16 of Safe & Sound

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“Look.” Drake wrung his hands in front of him, seeming nervous, and Ajax just sat there, bracing himself for the news. The chemistry between them was undeniable. Like a building storm that threatened to sweep both of them away.

But that didn’t mean either of them had to act on their connection, not if Drake was already in a committed relationship. Though earlier, the human sure as hell hadn’t acted like he had someone to get home to.

Drake had come to the café to seek out Ajax. That’d been obvious. Elijah’s ill-timed blurted confession hadn’t helped the situation if Drake were truly with someone else. Ajax had planned on taking things slow, easing Drake into this. He wanted to get to know him first, like he’d told his mate, but Elijah had been like a steamroller that had barreled at them full steam ahead.

Did steamrollers barrel? Didn’t they move in more of a crawl? That wasn’t the point, but it seemed his brain had gotten sidetracked.

Drake took a step closer, his gaze falling on Ajax’s lap. “Thanks for the offer of cake. I bet it was good.”

Ajax’s own gaze slipped over Drake, his canines threatening to make an appearance. He’d totally wreck his mate, in a good, naughty way, if the guy would only let him. He could imagine sliding his hands down that voluptuous body, drawing out many pleasurable noises from the guy, taking great pleasure in hearing Drake beg to be fucked.


He glanced up at Drake.

“You got this weird look on your face. You okay?” Drake took another step closer, crossing his arms over his chest as if to stop himself from reaching out and touching Ajax. Or giving Ajax a sign that he was off-limits.

“Just…stuff.” He gave Drake a tight smile. God, he could be a real dick sometimes. He was being a petty pouting little bitch right now because he thought someone else was boning his mate, that someone else possessed Drake’s heart.

A look crossed Drake’s face that said he knew exactly why Ajax had said that. “I guess I better go.”

When he turned, ready to walk away, Ajax cursed and pushed himself up from the couch. “Drake, wait.”

Drake turned back around. “I’ve clearly said something that didn’t sit well with you, Ajax. Maybe we should talk later.”

“It’s not you.”

Drake looked like he’d just been slapped. “Are you pulling that card on me?”

“What card?” Were they having their first argument? Why did that excite him? Why did he want to see the fire in Drake, to see how far he could push the guy so fireworks could explode? Ajax really was a sick mother fucker, because, to him, arguing equaled makeup sex.

Raw, raunchy, skin-on-fire sex.

“It’s not you, it’s me,” Drake said, and damn, the guy was good at looking pissed off.

Maybe Ajax had pushed a little too far, though he had no idea three simple words would be as explosive as dynamite.

“It’s true,” Ajax said. “The shit going on in my head is on me, Drake. My issues.”

To Ajax’s shock, Drake jabbed a finger into his chest. “You just confessed a lot of mind-blowing things to me.” His finger hurt as it tapped repeatedly into Ajax’s sternum. “I think I accepted most of it with grace when I should have run from here and never looked back. Now you want to get moody on me? Are you even serious right now?”

Definitely their first fight.

“Answer me one question and all of this will blow over,” Ajax said.

“No.” Drake narrowed his eyes. “If you’d just been an adult and asked me, I would have answered. But you chose to be petty and sour. You’re not the only one who’s dealing with issues, Ajax. But you don’t see me getting moody with you.”

“You’re right.” Ajax curled his hand around Drake’s finger. “You’re completely right, and I’m an utter dickhead.”

Drake blinked as if he hadn’t expected Ajax to say that. “Yeah, well…”

“When it comes to you,” Ajax said, using that finger to bring Drake closer to him, “I’m a caveman. You’re my mate, Drake.” It didn’t hurt to remind him. “It was that phone call. The thought of anyone else having you is driving me batshit crazy.”

Drake furrowed his brows. “What on earth are you talking about?”

Ajax hesitated. God, he really was such an ass. His wolf had taken over when it thought that Drake had someone, and Ajax had acted on that assumption. “Nothing.”

His mate looked as if he didn’t believe him. He turned, heading for the door, but Ajax spun him around and kissed the daylights out of him.
