Page 19 of Safe & Sound

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He’d known Ajax for less than twenty-four hours, and Ajax had acted more caring and passionate toward him than any of his past boyfriends.

It had been a misunderstanding, and although Ajax had started it, they needed to talk. Drake needed to tell Ajax he wasn’t going to put up with childish behavior, and he needed to say he was sorry for nearly neutering the poor guy.

“For once in your life, fight for something that’s good for you,” Elijah said. “Kick Brody out and let Ajax claim you.” He winked. “You won’t regret it.”

Mason gave a low growl as he pulled Elijah into his arms.

“I’m gonna go before you two strip naked in the parking lot and have the cops called on you.”

“You already said you wished you had what Gage and I have,” Elijah said. “You have that now, so don’t screw it up.”


“I know you.” Elijah narrowed his eyes. “You’ll stew about this, decide it isn’t worth the headache, then try everything in your power to ignore it.”

“I don’t do that,” Drake argued.

“You totally do that,” Elijah countered. “We’ve known each other since we were little, Drake. I know all the times you’ve done that, but I’m not going to stand here and list those times. Go see Ajax.”

“I’ll think about it,” Drake said, though he was missing Ajax already.

“I’ll take you there myself if I have to.” Elijah slapped his hands on his hips. “I’m not going to let you screw this up. Ajax is it for you. You can deny it all you want, but you know you feel the deep connection toward him. Stop being stubborn and go make up with Ajax.”

“You’re still making it sound like this is my fault,” Drake said.

“I’m going back inside.” Mason walked away.

“I never said this was your fault,” Elijah gently argued. “You just have a bad habit of sabotaging things with guys.”


“Phil, your last boyfriend. He wanted to take things to the next level so you dumped him.”

“He was too damn kinky in bed,” Drake said. “Like bizarre kinds of kinky.” Drake wasn’t going to tell Elijah what Phil had wanted him to do. Drake didn’t even want to think about it.

“Then there was Michael.”

“Let it go, Elijah.”

Elijah pursed his lips. “Even if you wanted to, you can’t screw this up with Ajax. Mason was right. It’s different when it’s a mate. Ajax is going to keep trying, so maybe you should, too.”

Drake sighed. “Fine, I’ll go talk to him.”

“That’s the spirit!” Elijah grinned. “I gotta get back inside. Kenny called off because he has a dentist appointment, and Gage had something important to do today. I’m filling in for them, and I never knew slinging barbeque was so complicated.”

“More complicated than working at a diner?”

“God yes.” Elijah grinned. “But at least I have a gorgeous temporary boss.”

Drake wasn’t going to point out that Elijah’s real boss, Roman, was just as gorgeous. “Later.”

“Call me if you need me,” Elijah said. “Or if you screw this up again.”

“It wasn’t my fault,” Drake argued as Elijah walked back inside.

Maybe it was partially his fault. Things had gone from good to bad in zero-point-five seconds. Now he had to go talk to Ajax because, regardless of their fight, Drake missed the jerk like crazy.

Chapter Five
