Page 24 of Safe & Sound

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Drake held up a hand. “Things went wrong between us earlier. I’ll take partial blame, but we have to set boundaries, Ajax. You can’t get jealous over my phone calls or anything else.”

“Answer me one question,” Ajax said, his eyes intently focused on Drake. “Are you in a relationship with anyone right now?”

Honestly, it was a fair question. If Drake had overheard Ajax on the phone with someone, he might have wondered the same thing. They didn’t know each other yet. “Are you?”

“No.” Ajax smirked. “Sorry for the one-word reply.”

Drake smiled. “I was on the phone with my cousin, if you really want to know. And, no, I’m not seeing anyone.”

If only they’d done it this way earlier it would have saved Drake a lot of grief. “What about the boundaries?”

Ajax tilted his head, his expression serious. “I won’t try to control you, Drake. I promise. But I can’t help how I feel about you.”

Drake’s pulse, already racing from being in Ajax’s presence, quickened even more at those words. “How do you feel?”

“You know how I feel,” Ajax said softly. “But I want to take things slow. I want to get to know you better before we do anything more.”

Drake found himself nodding, even though he was aching to touch Ajax. “I can do slow.”

Ajax leaned in close, his warm breath tickling Drake’s ear. “And when we’re ready, I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

Drake felt a shiver run through him. He couldn’t deny the attraction he felt toward Ajax, and the thought of what they could do together was almost overwhelming. “I look forward to it.”

Ajax gave him a wicked grin before pulling back. “Now, what can I get for you?”

Drake ordered a smoothie and sat down at a table near the window. He watched as Ajax moved around the café, his muscles flexing with each movement. Drake let his mind wander to what it would feel like to have those muscles wrapped around him.

“By the way, we need to exchange phone numbers,” Ajax said. He handed his phone over to Drake. “Call your phone.”

Drake did, and now he had Ajax’s number. When he handed Ajax’s phone back, their hands grazed, and damn if that single touch didn’t make Drake hard.

As he drank his smoothie, Drake realized that he was falling hard for Ajax. He only hoped Elijah and Tido were wrong about him sabotaging things, because Drake really didn’t want to screw this up.

Chapter Six

Why on earth had Drake agreed to go slow? Ugh. He thought he could handle being around Ajax, seeing him again, hearing his voice, but as soon as they were close enough, all Drake wanted to do was touch him, kiss him, and beg the big, beautiful man to bend him over a couch or the counter.

And when Ajax had whispered that shit into his ear? Drake had nearly orgasmed right on the spot. His cock had gotten so hard that he could have used it to hold his smoothie.

Now Drake was driving home, gripping the steering wheel too tightly, so horny he was thinking about pulling over to the side of the road and handling business just to relieve the tension in his jeans.

The public indecency ticket would be well worth it if a cop spotted him.

Neither Michael nor Phil had ever made him feel like this before. Drake couldn't remember feeling this freaking horny even when he was a teenager, and back then, everything had turned him on. Just clicking the remote had made him jerk off a few times.

Now he had Ajax stuck in his brain rent-free, clogging up his thoughts, and his body was more than ready to run back to the café and throw himself at the guy like he was crowd surfing at a concert. Arms wide, legs spread, and ready to fall.

Sports. Old ladies with dentures. Vaginas. Nope, nothing made his hard-on go away, and Drake had never seen a vagina in his life. Not even on the internet.

He slowed, trying to decide if he should turn around and disregard Ajax’s wishes of taking things slow.

“You have more self-control than this,” he said to himself. “Go home, knock one out of the park, and get some sleep. You have work tomorrow. You can’t afford to be up all night, tossing and turning over the sexy side of beef.”

Only, when Drake got home, he saw Gage there. The guy was with Roman, the owner of the diner. What on earth were they doing in his driveway?

Curious, Drake pulled in and got out of his car. “Is anything wrong?”

“Maybe.” Gage crossed his arms. “You went to Elijah for advice? Seriously? You know he can’t keep his mouth shut. He called me right after you left.”
