Page 28 of Safe & Sound

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Drake grabbed Ajax’s hand and pulled him from the house. Thank goodness Ajax let him.

Chapter Seven

Never in his life had Ajax wanted to beat the shit out of someone like he wanted to do to Brody. The asshole had no idea how close Ajax’s wolf had come to the surface, ready to attack.

When Drake had told him about Roman and Gage’s visit, Ajax had thought they’d overstepped. Now he wondered how Roman had let the punk live.

Ajax took a deep breath, telling himself not to go back inside and gut Brody. The guy had a lot of nerve flexing when it wasn’t even his house.

“Trust me,” Drake said as Ajax drove home, “Brody could rile Mother Teresa. He has a talent for pissing off anyone within a one-mile radius of him.”

“Is he always that disrespectful to you?” Ajax asked.

“He has a smart mouth,” Drake admitted. “No one in my family wants to deal with him. Not even his own mother. My dumb ass felt sorry for him when he didn’t have a place to stay.”

“It wasn’t dumb,” Ajax said. “You just have a big heart.”

“Sweetheart, it was plain old dumb,” Drake said. “My family tried to warn me, but I didn’t listen. Now he’s a constant headache to me. That’s one of my problems. I let people run over me.”

Brody wouldn’t be alive for long if he messed with Drake again. There was no way in hell Ajax was going to let Brody get away with that. If Drake couldn’t stand up for himself, Ajax would be his voice.

“Thanks for taking me away for a little while.” Drake sighed as he stared out the window. “I shouldn’t have to leave my own house, but I don’t want to even deal with that right now.”

If it was up to Ajax, Drake would be staying for more than a few hours. “You’re welcome.”

He pulled into his long driveway and parked his pickup next to the house. As soon as he cut the motor, Ajax felt the tension in the air. It was as if Drake suddenly realized they were going to be alone. No customers, no cousin, no one but the two of them.

No lie. Ajax’s cock was so hard and swollen he feared it would burst from the zipper. He wasn’t going to hide it, though. He wanted Drake to see how he affected him.

“Go right in,” Ajax said as he walked behind Drake.

“You don’t lock your door?”

Ajax held up his phone. “Just unlocked it.”

Drake gave him a devastating smile that punched Ajax right in the gut. “Fancy.”

“Technology,” Ajax countered.

As Drake climbed the steps, he asked, “What if you lost your phone or it died?”

“My thumbprint will get me inside if that happens.”

“I have a lock and key. Ancient technology.” Drake swung open the door and stepped inside. Ajax had also used his phone to disarm the alarm system. His home wasn’t as fancy as Drake might have thought, but what he did own, he didn’t want anyone taking.

“I should have figured your house was as cozy as your café.” Drake walked past the foyer and into the living room. “It’s welcoming in here.”

“You want something to drink?” Ajax tucked his phone into his back pocket and walked past Drake, even if his arms ached to pull his mate into them and pick up where they’d left off with that kiss.

At least this time Drake hadn’t tried to knee him in the nuts.

“Whatever you have is fine,” Drake said. “As long as it’s not alcohol.”

Ajax turned and faced his mate, so close he could see tiny flecks of brown in his green eyes. “Afraid I’ll have my way with you?”

Drake sucked in a breath, his eyes widening slightly. Ajax thought his mate was going to remind him that they were taking things slow, so what Drake said next stunned him. “I could only hope for that kind of evening.”

Ajax moved toward him like a rollercoaster climbing toward the top, heart racing, excitement filling his veins. His breathing just as erratic as Drake’s, he reached out. Drake came to him willingly.
