Page 3 of Safe & Sound

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“Thanks for the smoothie.” Drake stood quickly, nearly dropping his smoothie. “It was nice meeting you.”

Ajax rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re leaving already?”

“I—” Drake didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t be around Ajax without feeling like his body was lit the fuck up. He’d never wanted someone to kiss him so badly before, and he was barreling toward total mortification if he stayed. “I should go.”

Ajax’s face fell, but he nodded and smiled again. “Okay. Come back soon.”

Drake practically ran out of the café, feeling like a fool. There was something about Ajax that drew him in, something that felt both dangerous and safe at the same time. That thought alone sent him running. Safe? He didn’t even know the guy.

Yet, Drake couldn’t stop thinking about Ajax as he drove back to his house, sipping on his drink. The smoothie was delicious, and the vibe at Bluebird Café was unbeatable. But it was Ajax that had stolen the show for Drake. He had never been attracted to anyone who bled dominance. His ex-boyfriends sure as shit hadn’t made him feel as if he couldn’t control himself around them. But Ajax had made Drake feel that way. There was just something about Ajax that made him grow weak in the knees.

But Drake wasn’t buying the excuse that Ajax had been sniffing his cologne, which Drake wasn’t wearing. It was more like the way animals sniffed, and what exactly did Ajax mean when he said that Drake smelled like home?

The more he thought about Ajax, the more Drake really wanted to see him again. Maybe there was something there between them, some sort of connection.

Two of Drake’s best friends now had boyfriends. Hot boyfriends. Drake wanted the same. He wanted someone he could call, someone he could share secrets with, someone who made him insanely happy.

Or maybe Drake was reading too deeply into Ajax’s niceness. What if he was? God, Drake didn’t know what to do. He sure as hell didn’t want to embarrass himself if Ajax was just being polite.

But what was with the sniffing? That still left him baffled.

Drake tried to push thoughts of Ajax out of his mind as he pulled up to his house, but it was no use. He couldn’t stop thinking about Mr. Dreamy, about the way his eyes had roamed over Drake’s body and the way his scent had made Drake feel. He knew it was crazy to be so obsessed with someone he had just met, but he couldn’t help it. There was something about Ajax that called to him.

As he stepped inside, he saw Brody sprawled out on the couch, watching TV. Drake rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the pang of guilt in his chest. Though they weren’t close, it still sucked to kick someone out. He wasn’t going to make Brody leave tonight, but soon.

Drake headed to his room and closed his door, and then it struck him. He hadn’t paid for his smoothie.

Which meant he would have to return tomorrow to settle his debt and maybe get a better read on Ajax.

* * * *

Since Drake had the day off, this time he made sure he wore something nice instead of his hoodie and sweatpants. He donned his favorite jeans and a nice maroon button-down shirt that made the green in his eyes pop.

He fussed with his hair in the mirror, applying the right amount of hair product, sniffed his breath to make sure it was minty fresh, then grabbed his keys, wallet, and cell phone from his dresser.

When he walked out of his room, he saw Brody wasn’t in the living room. Drake still felt awful kicking Brody out and then reminded himself why he’d done it.

Now all Drake needed was for Brody to actually leave.

Just as he opened the driver’s door to his car, his phone rang. Drake saw it was Elijah calling him. He’d known Elijah since they were small, and the guy was one of Drake’s best friends. For a few years Elijah had been taking care of his elderly grandparents, but a few months back they’d moved to Florida, freeing up Elijah’s time, though Drake knew that his friend missed them.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“I know you have today off, so I asked Roman if I could skip work,” Elijah said. “I’m surprised he said yes. I think he’s sick of me and Julian scurrying off to gossip when we’re supposed to be working.”

Roman was Elijah’s hot-as-fuck boss. Drake had lusted after the guy since first laying eyes on him, though now that Roman was dating one of Drake’s other best friends, Gage, Drake had slammed a lid on his lust. “And you wanted to hang out.”

“Very perceptive,” Elijah said.

“Dude, that wasn’t perception. You basically said it,” Drake teased. “I’m heading to Bluebird Café.”

Maybe Drake should take Elijah with him. His friend could tell Drake if Ajax was really flirting with him or if it was all in Drake’s mind.

“Oh, I love his pies. Come get me so we can pig out together.”

Elijah was pencil thin. The guy could pig out all day and not gain a pound. Drake wished he had the same ability. One look at a donut and the pounds magically appeared.

“I’ll be there in ten.” Drake hung up and drove to Elijah’s. His friend used to live in his grandparents’ house—although, to save face, Elijah always told everyone that his grandparents had moved in with him—but now he lived with his boyfriend, who was the owner of Wild Tiger Barbeque—Drake’s favorite place to eat—and another hot-as-fuck guy.
