Page 30 of Safe & Sound

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Ajax moved faster, thrusting deeper into his mate, pushing Drake to the brink of pleasure. Drake clung to him, his nails biting into Ajax’s flesh. His moans were erotic, adding to the already burning moment.

Looking down, Ajax watched Drake’s cock bob, so hard he could see the heavy vein that ran along one side. Then he watched his own dick slide in and out of his mate, and fuck, how much better could it be between them?

Ajax was lost in everything, the smell, the groans, the sensations that riot through him. His hands pressed harder into the mattress as he finally dragged his gaze up to Drake’s gorgeous eyes. They were filled with need, with raw desire, but something else too.

The beginning of love? No, it was too soon. They’d only met yesterday. Though it felt like a lifetime ago with as much as they’d already been through.

It had to be the connection between them that Drake felt, that made him look as if Ajax placed the moon and stars at his feet.

And he loved that look, loved that Drake saw him that way. Ajax punched his hips forward, continuously burying himself inside Drake’s heaven.

Dropping his mouth to Drake’s, Ajax let the passion take over, both of them moaning into each other’s mouths. His wolf howled inside, desperate for Ajax to bite their mate.

Ajax drove his hips harder and faster, and Drake seemed to move with him as if he were part of the wave of pleasure. His mate swirled his tongue around Ajax's, tasting him all over. The connection between them was stronger than ever, electricity shooting through them both.

Then Ajax struck, sinking his canines into the soft flesh between Drake’s shoulder and neck.

Drake cried out, cum erupting from his cock. His hole pulsed as Ajax slid his canines free, and with one final thrust, Ajax let go, a roar escaping his throat as he filled Drake with his seed.

That was when he felt it. Their hearts synchronizing, the two of them becoming one. Their souls soldering together.

“What was that?” Drake gasped.

“Our bond snapped into place.” Ajax rested his forehead against Drake’s. “A bond that can never be broken.”

Drake let out a dreamy sigh as he slowly closed his eyes. Ajax kissed him again, a simple meeting of the lips, then eased out of his mate.

He lay down next to his mate, pulled Drake into his arms, and then ran his fingers across Drake’s chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart. He’d never felt this way before. Was this what love felt like?

Was he already in love?

Ajax leaned in and kissed Drake tenderly, their lips lingering together in complete bliss. His heart felt full, as if it could burst at any moment with the emotion swelling inside.

Chapter Eight

Drake knew something was wrong as soon as they pulled into the driveway. The first thing he noticed was the driver’s door open on his car. No way in hell he’d left with Ajax last night and forgotten to close the door. He’d been surprised at Roman and Gage’s visit, but Drake was positive he’d closed his car door when he got home.

Had Brody gone into Drake’s car and simply forgotten to close the door? But why would his cousin go into his car? Thank god it hadn’t rained last night.

The second thing Drake noticed was that the front door wasn’t closed all the way. It was open enough that he could see the interior wall on the right, just inside the door.

Drake looked at Ajax, who was looking at the car and the house, too. “Stay right here,” Ajax said before he walked toward the front porch.

Not a chance in hell was Drake staying put. He walked over to his car and looked inside. Stuff from his glovebox was scattered on the passenger seat, and the middle console had been left open.

It looked as if Brody, or someone, had rummaged through his car.

Drake had grown up in Midnight Falls. He’d always felt safe. He never locked his door or his car and never had any problems.

Until now.

“Don’t jump to conclusions. Brody might not have done this.” Drake was smart enough not to touch anything, in case a stranger had done this and the cops needed to dust for prints.

Would they dust for prints on the simple fact someone had ransacked his car? Drake wasn’t sure since he’d never had this happen to him.

What if Brody had done it out of spite? But why? Other than the whole kicking-him-out-of-the-house thing, Drake couldn’t think of anything else that would have garnered Brody’s anger.

Drake let out a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. He needed to talk to Brody and get to the bottom of this.
