Page 31 of Safe & Sound

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Ajax stepped back onto the porch and walked over to Drake, a look of concern on his face. “Do you think your cousin did this?”

Drake felt his anger mounting. “What did you find inside?”

“The house looks like a tornado ran through it.” He shook his head. “There was even something wet on the couch, like someone had poured something over the cushions.”

Drake’s family had warned him not to let Brody stay with him, but they’d never mentioned anything about his cousin being spiteful.

“Do you want to report this to the police?” Ajax asked.

Drake let out a sigh. “I think I should talk to Brody first.”

He was willing to give his cousin the benefit of the doubt, but if it was Brody who’d done this, Drake was going to kill him.

“I think we should take pictures of the damage,” Ajax said. “Just in case you want to press charges.”

That was a good idea, but right now, Drake was too pissed to care. He pulled out his phone and called his mom as Ajax went back inside.

“Hey, sweetheart,” she said when she answered. “How are things going?”

“Not so good.” He told her about telling Brody to leave, how he’d dragged his feet about it, and the mess he’d come home to. “I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but do you think he could have done this?”

She was quiet for a moment before she finally spoke. “Yes, I think he would do something like that.”

“But I’ve never heard any of you guys saying he’s this malicious.”

“We’ve all tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.” Her voice was sad. “I’m sorry you had to find out about this the hard way.”

“Because you warned me and I didn’t listen.” Drake leaned against the hood of his car and stared at the street. “As far as I know, he’s not here.”

“And don’t let him back,” she said. “If he shows up, call the cops. If he still has stuff there, take it to his mom’s house. I told Doriene she was spoiling him, but she wouldn’t listen to me. She feels bad Brody’s father died and has been overcompensating.”

“But his mom doesn’t even like dealing with him,” Drake said.

“And I’ve also told her you can’t spoil a child and cry when he acts like a monster. She did this, and now she wants nothing to do with her own son.”

Drake could tell his mother was getting upset, and he tried to reassure her.

“I’ll take care of it,” he promised. “I’ll call if I need to.”

“Just be careful,” she said. “You’ve never had to deal with something like this. I don’t want you getting hurt.”

Not with Ajax there. Besides, so far, Drake hadn’t seen Brody become violent. Then again, he hadn’t known his cousin could be spiteful, either.

“I’ll be careful.” He hung up and looked at Ajax as he walked outside.

“My mom thinks it’s Brody.” He sighed. “I guess I need to call the cops.”

Ajax put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Let’s get the pictures first then call the police.”

Drake nodded, and they spent the next half-hour documenting the damage before heading to the station to file a report. Drake was grateful for Ajax’s support throughout the process, from taking pictures to listening to the police officer’s questions.

He was also shocked at how much damage had been caused inside the house. Not only did it look ransacked, but there were fist-sized holes in the walls. The pictures on the walls had either fallen or were thrown down, the glass smashed. His refrigerator had been left wide open, food thrown around the room, and the table had been upended.

Two of the windows were also broken.

But it was Drake’s bedroom that had suffered the most. Not only were there at least a dozen holes in the walls, but his closet door looked as if it had been ripped off the hinges. His dresser drawers had been pulled out and dumped, and an odor of urine hung heavily in the air.

His mattress had also been cut by something sharp, and one of the windows was busted.
