Page 35 of Safe & Sound

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He'd been thinking about sucking Ajax off right before his mate had pulled him aside. Drake still wanted Ajax’s cock in his mouth, but right now, he was too busy being split in half.

Honestly, Drake had never been railed before, and he loved it!

“Still close?” Ajax whispered into his ear, nipping his earlobe.

“Always close whenever I’m around you,” Drake confessed. “I keep a boner in your presence.”

Ajax chuckled. “Good to hear I’m not the only one, you sexy motherfucker.”

This man was too good for Drake’s ego. His last boyfriend, the kinky one, had told Drake that he needed to shed some pounds. That had been right before Drake had walked out on Phil.

Ajax seemed to love Drake’s weight, which made Drake fall a little more in love with the guy.

“Rail me harder, you savage bastard.” Drake gasped when Ajax turned.

“Place your hands on the sink.”

Drake did as he was told, and Ajax drove his cock in deeper, sending Drake so close to the edge that he was moments away from falling over into pure bliss.

He tried to thrust backward, but since his feet weren’t touching the floor, that made it impossible. He’d never had sex where his feet were dangling in the air. He had to say he was a new fan of this kind of sex.

Ajax could lift Drake up any damn time the man wanted to.

Also, gripping the sink gave Drake a better advantage than trying to hold on to a flat surface like the door. He could curl his fingers around the edge and stop himself from being driven right into the mirror over the sink.

Who was he kidding? He’d take a concussion as long as Ajax didn’t stop.

When his mate sank his sharp canines into Drake’s shoulder, Drake couldn’t hold back the shout as he came. His cum hit the cabinet below as Drake threw his head back and rode the wave.

Then Ajax buried himself, extracted his teeth, and moaned deeply into Drake’s ear.

It was the best break on a job Drake had ever experienced.

“I think I’ve fallen in love with you,” Drake said, trying desperately to catch his breath and make his heart slow the hell down. Then he realized what he’d said, and his eyes widened.

Ajax nuzzled Drake’s neck as he eased out of Drake’s ass. “I love you, too.”

“Did we just…” Drake bit his lip as his mate lowered him to his feet. “Did we just declare our love for each other?”

“We did.” Ajax turned Drake and cupped his face. “I love you.”

Drake felt giddy. It was way too soon to fall in love with a guy he’d just met, but he couldn’t deny how he felt. In Ajax’s presence, Drake’s heart skipped a few million beats. His palms were always clammy, and he felt invincible.

He also felt safe, like nothing could touch him when Ajax was around.

Drake pulled up his underwear and jogging pants as Ajax fixed his clothing. “I’ve never had bathroom sex before.”

Ajax winked. “Get ready to have sex in the most unusual places, love.”

“Like where?”

Once again Ajax nuzzled his neck. Fuck, the guy smelled so damn good. “I’ve been picturing spreading you out across the counter in my kitchen at the café and dining on you.”

Drake shivered.

“I want to bend you over one of the tables on the patio and fuck you under those twinkling lights until neither of us can walk.”

Drake could picture that, too.
