Page 40 of Safe & Sound

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He began to move Drake’s head from side to side, as if wondering how hard he had to tug to snap Drake’s neck. This was it. Drake was going to die. Brody wasn’t playing with a full deck. His cousin wanted him dead.

Just when Brody started to tug harder, the back door swung open. Ajax stormed in and gripped the back of Brody’s shirt, flinging the guy off of Drake.

Drake drew in a deep, cleansing breath as he turned onto his side and watched as Brody tried to fight Ajax. Drake shoved to his feet, ran to his bedroom closet, and took out the gun his mother had given him to protect himself.

A gun Drake had never used and didn’t know how to, anyway. It couldn’t be that hard. Point and shoot, right?

And why in the hell hadn’t he remembered sooner that he had a gun?

He ran back to the kitchen, ready to defend himself and Ajax when he stopped, sliding slightly in his socks. Ajax had Brody pinned, one knee on the guy’s back, one hand on Brody’s head.

“Keep squirming and I’m going to break something on you,” Ajax warned with a snarl. “I should kill you for trying to harm my mate, but I think prison is a better punishment for you.”

“Go to hell!” Brody bucked, but he wasn’t getting out of that pin. Ajax was too strong.

“Sucks when you’re on the receiving end.” Drake showed Brody the gun. “Consider yourself lucky Ajax got to you first, you bastard!”

Tido peeked into the kitchen from the back door, looking between them. “Is this a bad time?” Then he frowned. “Is that a gun in your hand?”

Drake collapsed onto the chair and dialed the police. Was he a bad person for wishing that Ajax had killed Brody? All Drake could envision was Brody getting out of jail and coming after him for revenge. Wouldn’t it be better if Ajax ended that problem?

Guilt swamped Drake. As fucked up as Brody was, he didn’t want the guy dead.

“What exactly happened here?” Tido asked after Drake hung up with the cops. “Why does it smell like something was burning?”

“I’ll explain everything when the madness is over,” Drake said.

Ten minutes later, the police were hauling a shouting Brody away. His cousin kept threatening to come after Drake. Like, right there in front of the sheriff. Clearly Brody wasn’t too intelligent.

Once Brody was shoved into the back of a cruiser—three cop cars were parked in front of his house—the sheriff turned to Drake. “What happened?”

Drake explained everything to Sheriff Harper. He made sure Ajax and Tido were right there so he wouldn’t have to repeat himself. The next thing Drake knew, he was smashed against Ajax’s strong chest. “I shouldn’t have left you alone this morning.”

“You have a business to run,” Drake pointed out. “I have a job I need to get to. Life happens, Ajax. This isn’t your fault.”

Ajax’s lips touched Drake’s ear. “I was seconds away from killing him, Drake. My wolf wanted to rip him apart. I wanted to drive my fist into his face until there was nothing left.”

“He’s not getting out anytime soon,” Sheriff Harper said from ten feet away. “There are too many charges against him.”

“But it’s his word against mine,” Drake argued.

“I’ll get him to confess,” Ajax growled.

Sheriff Harper gave Ajax a look that said that wasn’t how things were done. “I’ll make sure the charges stick, Drake.”

“Is it finally over?” Drake looked at Ajax. He couldn’t believe just how much he loved his mate. Warmth spread through his chest as he stared into Ajax’s dark gray eyes, thankful he had such an amazing man in his life. Ajax was his real-life hero.

“Yes.” Ajax kissed his temple. “Oh, I’m sorry. You don’t like one-word answers.”

Drake smiled. “Coming from you, I don’t mind.” He snuggled back into Ajax’s arms. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Ajax wrapped his arms around Drake, making him feel like the safest person on the planet. Drake sighed, leaning against Ajax’s shoulder. It was finally over. He was safe. He was protected. And he was loved. It was the perfect ending to one chapter of his life and the perfect beginning for the next.

