Page 9 of The Hard Fall

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He quickly hung up, but before he could call Drake, the SUV returned. Tido’s heart thumped faster as he got up and walked across the street.

Chapter Three

After Kenji climbed into his truck, checked his smartwatch, and saw what time it was, he was ready to head home. He’d asked Tido out to dinner, but Kenji would rather have dinner at home.

Since he couldn’t cook to save his life, he’d picked up some dinner from Deep Dish. That was pretty much Kenji’s life. Either eating at diners or fast-food joints or gladly taking someone up on an offer of a home-cooked meal.

The scent of the food filled the interior of his SUV as he closed the driver’s door. His mouth started watering just as his phone rang. Kenji started the engine as he pulled his phone from his back pocket. It was a number he hadn’t seen since he’d arrived in Midnight Falls.

“What do you want, Maceson?” Kenji wasn’t in the mood for the guy’s drama. He’d been in a good mood up until his ex-boyfriend had called. “I don’t have time for whatever it is you want.”

Kenji knew that Tido hadn’t had anything to do after the ice cream hut. His mate had just needed time to clear his head. At least Kenji was hoping that was the case. Still, he figured they could have a late lunch or an early dinner.

He’d been at home after dropping Tido off, bored out of his skull. Kenji had cleaned the house—which honestly hadn’t needed it—then sat there trying to find something to watch until six.

Only, ten minutes into whatever he’d put on television, Kenji had lost interest. He wasn’t one to sit idly by unless he had decent company. Like Ajax, his friend and former alpha.

But this was different. Tido was Kenji’s mate, so he wanted to get to know the guy and was excited at the prospect.

“That’s no way to talk to me.” Maceson sounded hurt, but Kenji knew it was all a game to him. “When are you coming back?”

“Never.” Kenji pulled away from the diner and drove toward home. “I called things off with you weeks before I even left. Why are you really calling me?”

It definitely wasn’t to catch up on old times. They hadn’t dated that long, so their history together was short. And what history they’d shared had been filled with too much fucking drama. Kenji was a fun-loving guy, but he could take only so much bullshit. He hated head games, and Maceson loved playing them.

“You called things off,” Maceson said with attitude. “I never agreed to that.”

“Do you hear yourself?” Kenji ground his teeth. “Move on, Maceson. Find someone who will treat you the way you want to be treated, someone who likes games.”

“I never played games,” Maceson argued. “I can’t help it you don’t have a sense of humor.”

“It’s over. I’m hanging up. Don’t call me again.” Kenji pulled into his driveway, noticing Tido sitting on his own porch, watching him.

“I called to tell you about Kramer,” Maceson said as if Kenji were the annoying one.

Kenji held the phone to his ear with one hand, the other damn near crushing his steering wheel. He needed to stop doing that. He’d abused his poor steering wheel too much lately, and he’d have to have it replaced if he didn’t let it go.

“What about Kramer?” Kenji growled out the question. It was a tactic Maceson had used on more than one occasion in the past. Have a snit with Kenji and then hook him in with something important.

It had never been anything important. Just Maceson’s desperate attempt to stop Kenji from leaving. When Kenji had finally ended things between them, Maceson had thrown an epic fit, breaking things, trying to stop Kenji from walking away, and calling him all kinds of curse words.

Now Maceson was at it again. Trying his best to lure Kenji back in.

“I heard him talking to his daddy,” Maceson said, and Kenji could practically see the victorious smile on the guy’s face.


“Tell me where you took off to and I’ll tell you about their secret meetings and conversations.”

“Don’t call me again.” Kenji hung up and sat there, counting to ten. There were just some people in life who pushed all your buttons, and not in a good way. Kenji didn’t believe in putting his hands on anyone he dated, past or present, but fuck, Maceson sure as hell pushed him close to doing that.

Kenji started when Tido appeared at the driver’s window. Jesus. It was hard to sneak up on him, but it was as if Tido had performed a magical act and suddenly materialized out of thin air.

The guy was human, so Kenji knew his mate didn’t possess that ability, but fuck, Tido had scared ten years off of him.

“I didn’t mean to scare you,” Tido said when Kenji rolled his window down. “I thought you saw me approaching.”

He’d been so preoccupied with Maceson’s call that he hadn’t paid attention. But damn, the sight of Tido standing there, staring at him with those big doe eyes, helped the anger inside of Kenji ebb away.
