Page 76 of When You're Sane

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With efficient movements, they escorted the two local men away, whose protests and accusations had become muffled under the stern gaze of authority. The air felt suddenly thick with the scent of tension and rain-soaked asphalt.

"Inspector Winters, I expect charges to be pressed against that brute," the real estate broker, Harding, said, adjusting his tie with fingers that betrayed a hint of unsteadiness.

"Mr. Harding," Amelia replied, her voice steady despite the surge of adrenaline she was working to quell, "how well did you know Thomas and Lily?"

"We were close," he stated firmly, locking eyes with her in an attempt to convey sincerity. "Close enough to understand the weight of their loss. And believe me, I won't rest until whoever has done this is behind bars."

Finn, who had been observing the exchange with a scrutinous gaze, stepped forward. "Then you wouldn't mind answering some questions. Why are you hear at this hospital?”

"The Richmond's don't have any family here," he answered. "I received a call and was asked to identify the bodies, given I am the person closest to them in the UK, both personally and in a business sense."

Finn nodded. “Another thing I'm particularly interested in—"

"Inspector Winters!" The urgency in one of the constable's voice sliced through Finn's words as he re-emerged from the hospital. "There's trouble at the castle, a mob's gathered, and it's getting out of hand. Thought you should know."

"Understood," Amelia responded, her mind already racing through potential scenarios. She gave Harding a curt nod. "We'll discuss your involvement later. For now, we have another situation to address." He handed over a card.

“You'll need to do better than that, you can go with one of the constables to give a statement about this altercation,” Amelia explained.

He sighed. “Is thatreallynecessary right now?”

“Yes,” came Amelia's short reply.

She and Finn moved over to Amelia's parked service car.

“I'll drive this time,” Amelia said as they both got in.

“I love it when you get all biblical,” Finn quipped, sitting in the passenger seat.

"Inspector Winters," Mr. Harding called out just as Amelia was about to turn the ignition. "May I accompany you instead? There are details—pertinent information—I believe could aid your investigation. And I think you should hear it."

“Couldn't hurt,” Finn said in a quiet voice to Amelia. “But your call.”

"Get in," she said, jerking her head toward the back seat.

Rushing over, Harding got into the back seat. Once he had settled in, an impatient click of the seat belt signaling his readiness, Amelia started the engine, and the car hummed to life beneath them. Finn observed her. She reversed smoothly, her fingers firm on the wheel, eyes flicking to the rearview mirror where she could see Harding's sharp profile.

Finn knew when she had fire in her belly.

"Mind telling us what this crucial information is?" Finn asked, turning slightly to address the man behind them as they drove.

"Let's just say..." Harding hesitated, the weight of his words hanging between them, "...the ties that bind us to the castle are not just financial but historical. And sometimes, history has a way of resurfacing at the most inconvenient times."

"Sounds like you have a degree in vagueness from Vague University," Finn said, his gaze narrowing slightly as he processed the implications. “Does everyone around here have to talk like they are in Victorian detective novel?”

The roads darkened, and Amelia turned on her headlights, speeding to the castle to find out why trouble had visited there for the second time in 24 hours.


Finn stared at the coming night outside as Amelia's hands gripped the steering wheel, navigating the serpentine roads that led to the castle. His eyes scanned the horizon. It felt bleaker than usual, a stagnant combination of recent events and knowing Vilne was out there hiding somewhere, ready to strike.

He kept catching glimpses of Amelia as she turned her ear towards the back seat. Their passenger, cloaked in the musky scent of ambition tainted with fear, was the real estate broker—a man whose silhouette seemed to shrink under scrutiny.

"Mr. Harding," Amelia began, her tone sharpening like a blade against a whetstone, "about the murders last night. Where exactly were you?"

The real estate broker, Mr. Harding, recoiled as if struck, his face contorting in shock. "I—murder? I'm a businessman, Inspector Winters, not some thug." His voice climbed an octave, betraying a hint of desperation.

"Interesting defense," Finn interjected turning towards him. "I've seen plenty of cut-throat businessmen in my time. That's not an alibi."
