Page 28 of Silent House

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"So when you heard Roy had moved back into town," she said, "how did that make you feel?"

"Angry," Albert admitted, a scowl forming on his weathered face."The man destroyed my daughter's life and waltzed back into town like nothing happened.It made my blood boil."

"Angry enough to kill him?"Finn asked.

"Listen," Albert snapped, his hands clenching into fists."I'm not gonna lie—I thought about confronting him.I wanted him to know what he did to Lisa and our family.But I could never hurt innocent people.Jane, Max, Lily…they were all just caught up in Roy's mess."

Sheila watched Albert closely.He was a man driven by anger, but she couldn't shake the feeling that he wouldn't have taken it as far as murder.She needed more information, though, before she could draw any conclusions.

"Albert," she began, her tone calm and measured, "where were you last night?"

"Working on my truck," he replied, his voice steadier now."I've been having trouble with the engine, so I was out in the garage fixing it.My neighbor, Jerry, came over for a while to help me out.We were there until past midnight."

Finn raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical of Albert's alibi."We'll look into that," he said.

Sheila, however, found herself believing Albert's story.As she looked into Albert's eyes, filled with pain and sorrow, she couldn't reconcile the image of him as a cold-blooded murderer.

"Okay, Albert," she said finally, rising and retreating to the door."Thank you for your time."As her hand tightened around the doorknob, the cold metal pressing against her skin, she added, "We'll check your alibi and get back to you."

"Wait," Albert called, desperation lacing his voice."How long am I gonna be stuck in here?"

Sheila glanced over her shoulder, taking in the old man's haggard appearance."That depends on what we find out during our investigation."

"Look, I'm sorry for aiming that shotgun at you earlier," he said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat."I didn't mean any harm.Please don't press charges."

Sheila considered his words carefully."I think you need help, Mr.Cartwright, and I mean that in the kindest way possible.Whatever happens, I'm going to do my best to make sure you get the support you need."

He stared at her, looking puzzled by her meaning.Deciding she'd said enough, Sheila stepped out into the hallway.

The door clicked shut, leaving Sheila and Finn alone in the sterile corridor.She could hear her own heartbeat pounding in her ears as she studied her partner, searching for any hint of his thoughts.

"Well, what do you think?"she asked, breaking the silence.

"Albert's a dangerous, crazy old man," Finn replied bluntly, his eyes narrowing."He's capable of anything."

"Maybe," Sheila said, her brow furrowing as she considered the evidence."But I don't think he'd be capable of murdering the rest of Roy's family, not as carefully as the killer did.And I'm not sure he'd have the physical strength to haul the bodies up that tree."

Finn let out a slow, measured breath, the air whistling between his teeth.He absently fingered the compass necklace around his neck."It's true that Albert doesn't seem like the most likely suspect," he admitted."But we can't afford to rule him out just yet."

He leaned against the cool cinderblock wall of the hallway, his brow furrowed in thought."Let's take a breather," he suggested, his voice betraying the weariness that had settled into his bones."Then we can go back in and ask Albert another round of questions.We'll crack him, one way or the other.If he's innocent—"

Before he could finish the sentence, his phone vibrated in his pocket.

"Excuse me," Finn muttered, stepping away from Sheila to answer the call.His face grew increasingly pale as he listened, concern etching deep lines into his forehead."We'll be there right away," he said urgently, snapping the phone shut with a decisive click.

Sheila watched Finn's reaction, her heart pounding in her chest, anticipating something terrible."What's going on?"she asked.

"Another family, murdered," Finn replied grimly, his jaw clenched tight."Bodies found in a graveyard.We need to get over there now.And given how fresh they are, I'd say it seems pretty darn unlikely Albert Cartwright is our guy."


The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows across the cemetery as Finn's car rolled to a stop.Dread gnawed at Sheila, her stomach twisting into knots at the prospect of what they were about to find.She clenched her fists, resting them on her lap.

"Hey," Finn said softly, giving her a reassuring look."You'll get through this.And remember, take a break if you need to."

Sheila nodded, swallowing hard.As much as she wanted to be strong, the thought of another family brutally murdered weighed heavily on her mind.

They stepped out of the car into the chilly night air.The hectic scene before them was a macabre ballet of activity.Uniformed officers scurried about, setting up a perimeter with yellow police tape flapping wildly in the wind.Harsh work lights were being set up by a burly officer, illuminating the crime scene in an unforgiving glow.
