Page 29 of Silent House

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"Shit," Sheila whispered, her breath visible in the cold.She watched as forensic technicians photographed the area, their faces grim behind their masks.

Finn glanced at her, concern etching his features."Focus on the task at hand, Sheila.We're here to find answers and bring justice to these families, okay?"

Sheila took a deep breath, steeling herself for the horrors that awaited her.Her thoughts shifted to the Hubbard family, their lives cut short so violently.She couldn't shake the feeling that every second counted, that the killer was still out there, ready to strike again.

"Right," she replied, her voice firm."Let's do this."

A heavyset man in uniform approached them.His dark hair was peppered with gray, and his eyes held years of experience and an air of authority.

"Deputy Mercer," he said, extending his hand."I'm Officer Edgar Sheffield."

"Nice to meet you, Officer Sheffield," Finn said as they shook hands."This is Sheila Stone.She's working with me as a consultant."

"And training to join the force," Sheila added.

"Can you fill us in on what happened?"Finn asked Sheffield.

"Sure," Edgar began."A single mother was out walking her dog when it slipped off its leash and bolted.The woman chased after it and found her dog digging at a fresh grave.When she got closer, she..."He paused, pressing his lips tightly together as if unsure how to say what came next.

"Go on," Finn said."We can handle it."

"She saw a human hand sticking out of the soil.Then it hit her—why wasn't the body in a casket?She called the police, and we found five fresh graves altogether.This all happened less than an hour ago."

Sheila cursed silently, her stomach twisting into knots.

"Have the bodies been exhumed yet?"Finn asked.

"The coroner's overseeing the process right now," Edgar replied, pointing toward a group of people carrying shovels.

Sheila watched them, her heart pounding, feeling sick at the thought of what was happening just a short distance away.

"Have you identified the family?"Finn asked.

Edgar nodded solemnly."They're the Warrens.Bob and Macy are the parents, and they have three teenage children—Josh, Isabelle, and Tim.Bob had an affluent job as a lawyer in town, and Macy's family, the Dobsons, were well-respected pillars of the community."Finn's brow furrowed at the mention of the Dobson name, as if a memory was trying to surface.

"Can you show us the crime scene?"Sheila asked, her throat tightening with anxiety.

"Of course," Edgar replied, leading them farther into the cemetery.

The moon cast eerie shadows over the tombstones as they walked, the wind rustling through the trees above them.Sheila could feel the dread creeping up her spine, but she pushed it down, focusing on the task at hand.The graveyard seemed to stretch on forever.

"Here we are," Edgar said quietly as they reached the center of the graveyard.

Sheila's breath caught in her throat when she saw the five bodies laid out before her.The exhumed corpses were pale and lifeless, their faces contorted with fear and pain.It was clear that their final moments had been filled with terror.Even though she had tried to prepare herself for this sight, seeing the victims up close was incredibly unsettling.

Dr.Jin Zihao was meticulously cleaning one of the bodies with a soft-bristled brush, gently removing dirt from the lifeless skin as if he were preserving a delicate artifact.The tall man's silver-streaked black hair glistened under the work lights, and his sharp, intelligent eyes remained focused on his task.

"Dr.Zihao," Finn called out as they approached, causing the coroner to pause and rise slowly, revealing the full extent of his height.He looked at them with a somber expression.

"Deputy Mercer, Ms.Stone," he said, nodding in their direction.

"Have you been able to determine anything so far?"Finn asked.

"From what I can tell, all the victims were shot," Dr.Zihao explained.He gestured at several patches of blood in the grass nearby."The blood spatter suggests that they were killed here in the graveyard.Additionally, it seems their valuables have been taken, much like with the Hubbards."

Sheila clenched her fists, anger bubbling up inside her at the thought of this ruthless killer.How many more families must suffer before we catch this monster?she wondered, her determination growing stronger.

"Did you notice any signs of a struggle or the use of restraints?"she asked, hoping for some clue that might help them understand the killer's methods.
