Page 35 of Silent House

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Mildred Heights loomed ominously in the darkness as Sheila knocked on the door, the school's shadow casting an eerie blanket over her and Finn.The wind whipped around them, carrying with it a chill that seemed to seep into their bones.

As she looked around, Sheila wondered if this was where the killer first laid eyes on his victims.She felt her stomach churn at the thought of a list of students from this school targeted for murder, and just how long that list might be.

Clive Waiters' apartment had been empty, and none of his neighbors had had any idea where he might be.They'd put out an APB on Clive, but in the meantime, they'd decided to go to his old school to learn anything they could about him.They'd called the school and, despite the hour, managed to reach a teacher who was working late, and she'd agreed to let them in.

Now, however, Sheila found herself wondering where the teacher might be.

"Why does it have to be so creepy?"Sheila muttered under her breath, her skin prickling with unease as they waited for someone to answer their knock.A few lights were on inside the school, but otherwise the place looked deserted.

"Adds to the charm, doesn't it?"Finn replied, trying to lighten the mood.He adjusted his jacket collar against the chilly night air.

Sheila's eyes scanned the building, searching for any signs of movement."This place gives me the creeps.I can't shake the feeling that we're being watched."

"Probably just your nerves," Finn said, though his eyes continued to dart around the school grounds as well.

The door finally creaked open, revealing a gray-haired woman who leaned out, peering at them through thick glasses.She had to be Mrs.Brigg, the teacher they had spoken to earlier on the phone.Her lined face and sagging jowls gave her an air of exhaustion, as if she had spent decades battling against the hardships of life.

"Are you the ones who called?"she asked, her voice thin and reedy.

"That's us," Sheila said, offering a reassuring smile."Thank you for agreeing to meet with us, Mrs.Brigg."

"Of course, dear," she said, opening the door wider."Please, come in."

"I didn't expect anyone to still be here at this hour," Sheila remarked as she and Finn entered the building.

"Ah, well, I've been staying late to catch up on grading," Mrs.Brigg said."You see, my daughter was in a car accident earlier this week.She's fine now, thank God, but it's been quite the ordeal."

Sheila nodded, her expression softening."That must have been terrifying.I'm glad she's okay."

"Thank you, dear," Mrs.Brigg replied with a tired smile.

As they continued down the hallway, Finn remained silent, his eyes scanning their surroundings.He seemed to be searching for any signs of danger or hidden secrets that might help them uncover the truth about Clive Waiters and the murders.

Finally, they reached Mrs.Brigg's office.The room was small and cluttered, with stacks of papers, textbooks, and school supplies occupying every available surface.A single desk lamp cast a warm glow over the chaos, illuminating the relentless stream of work that faced the weary teacher.It was clear that Mrs.Brigg was dedicated to her job, perhaps even to the point of sacrificing her own well-being.

"Please, have a seat."Mrs.Brigg gestured to two mismatched chairs in front of her desk.

"Thank you," Sheila said, settling into one of the chairs.She glanced at the stack of papers Mrs.Brigg had been grading—English essays, by the looks of it.Alongside the red pen marks, there were thoughtful comments and words of encouragement, evidence of Mrs.Brigg's genuine care for her students.

"Your office is very...cozy," Finn offered diplomatically, taking the other chair and looking around the cramped space.

"Ha!Cozy is one way to put it."Mrs.Brigg chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners."But I like to think of it as my little sanctuary.It's where I can make a difference for these kids, even if it's just in the smallest of ways."

Sheila could see that beneath the exhaustion and stress, there was a spark of passion in Mrs.Brigg's eyes—a fierce determination to help her students succeed, no matter the obstacles they faced.That same drive resonated within Sheila herself, fueling her own relentless pursuit for justice and truth.

"Alright."Mrs.Brigg sighed, settling into her chair behind the cluttered desk."You mentioned an investigation on the phone.How can I help?"

Finn leaned forward in his seat, taking a deep breath before he began."We're looking for information about a former student named Clive Waiters.He would've been here about twenty years ago."

"Twenty years?"Mrs.Brigg's eyebrows shot up in surprise."That's quite a long time.I can't say I remember every student who's passed through these halls."

"Maybe this will help," Finn said, pulling out a worn photograph of a younger Clive Waiters and handing it to Mrs.Brigg.

As the gray-haired woman studied the picture, her gaze sharpened, and something akin to recognition flickered across her face."Yes, I do remember him now," she admitted."Clive was a quiet boy, kept to himself mostly."

"Mrs.Brigg, do you recall any incidents involving Clive and other students?"Sheila asked.

For a moment, the older woman hesitated, her eyes clouding with a distant memory."There was one incident that stands out in particular," she began slowly."It happened in the gymnasium during a school assembly.Some of the popular kids decided to make Clive their target.They cornered him, pushed him around, and took his belongings."
