Page 37 of Silent House

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"Raise your hands!"Finn ordered, his voice authoritative and unwavering.The man froze, keeping his face turned away from them, his hands buried in his pockets.

The scene was eerily quiet except for the howling wind and the distant sound of water rushing below.Sheila could feel the tight knot of fear in her stomach as she tried to assess the situation.Finn's grip tightened on his weapon, his body tensed and ready for action.

"Slowly pull your hands out of your pockets," Finn commanded, his voice stern and unyielding.But the man didn't respond, only standing there, rigid and uncooperative.

Finn's jaw clenched in frustration."I'm gonna need backup on Hartnell Bridge," he said into his radio.

Sheila watched the stranger closely, trying to gauge his intentions.Taking a cautious step closer, she addressed the man with a calm, even tone."Hey, we just want to talk to you.What's going on?"

For a moment, the wind seemed to carry her words away, leaving only silence in its wake.Then, the man finally turned his head slightly, acknowledging her presence.When the man spoke, his voice was slurred and heavy with the weight of inebriation.

"I just want to be left alone," he muttered, his words barely audible over the wind.

Sheila's brow furrowed as she tried to piece together the situation."What did you throw off the bridge?"she asked.

"Jus'...a bottle," he replied vaguely, swaying slightly on his feet.

"Then why won't you take your hands out of your pockets?"Sheila continued, her eyes fixed on his concealed hands.

"Hands are cold," he mumbled, his voice wavering.Sheila wasn't sure if she could trust his words, but she decided to approach him with caution and empathy rather than force.

As she and Finn slowly closed the distance between them, Sheila kept talking, trying to keep the man calm and engage him in conversation."It's freezing out here.Why don't we go someplace warmer?Maybe get a hot chocolate or something?"

Suddenly, the man's demeanor changed.He snapped, pulling his hands from his pockets and gripping the edge of the railing with white knuckles."Don't come any closer!"he shouted, panic lacing his voice."I swear, I'll jump!I'm not joking!"

Sheila's heart pounded in her chest.Her instinct to protect and help others kicked into overdrive as she weighed her options and searched for the right words to say.Finn moved a step closer, his weapon still raised and his eyes locked on the distressed man, prepared to intervene if necessary.

"Listen," Sheila said softly, her voice firm yet reassuring."We don't want you to jump.We want to help you.Please, let us do that."

The man's body trembled, his grip on the railing tightening as he stared down at the dark water below.

Sheila took a deep breath, her eyes never leaving the man's face as she tried to keep her voice steady."Please, tell me what's going on.Maybe I can help."

"You wouldn't understand," he muttered, still clutching the railing.His knuckles were white from the strain.

"Give me a chance to understand."Sheila kept her gaze locked on his, trying to convey her sincerity.The man remained silent, his eyes flickering with uncertainty.

Finn, sensing an opportunity, shifted forward, ready to spring at the man and tackle him if need be.But Sheila raised a hand, signaling for him to stay where he was.She had a feeling she could convince the man to surrender without resorting to force.

"Listen," she began, her voice gentle but firm."We went to your old high school, Mildred Heights, and spoke with Mrs.Brigg."

The mention of Mrs.Brigg seemed to catch the man's attention.He glanced at Sheila, his grip on the railing lessening slightly."How is she?"he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"She's well," Sheila replied, allowing a small smile to touch her lips."Still staying late at work to grade papers, though.You know how she is, always putting her students first."

The man snorted, his tense posture easing a bit."Yeah, that's just like Mrs.Brigg," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of affection.

Taking advantage of this opening, Sheila continued to engage the man in conversation.She knew she had to tread carefully.One wrong word could send him over the edge—literally.

"What happened to make you feel like this is your only option?"she asked softly, her heart heavy with empathy.

The man hesitated, his eyes darting between Sheila and Finn as if debating whether or not to trust them.He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing nervously in the dim moonlight."I've been through some things," he finally murmured vaguely

"Let us help you," Sheila said."Whatever it is, you don't have to face it alone."

He said nothing, just stared down into the dark abyss, as if contemplating what it would feel to plunge into its depths.

Sheila hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts before she spoke."I know you were bullied in school," she said quietly, watching the man's reaction closely.His eyes narrowed as he looked at her, regarding her with a mix of suspicion and disbelief.
