Page 48 of Silent House

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"Like what?"Ben demanded, his grip on the girl tightening."I surrender?You tell me about all the friends I can make in prison, and how much better I'll feel for 'doing the right thing'?"

"Let me help you," Sheila said, sidestepping his questions."There's still time to turn things around.Let the girl go, and we'll figure this out together."

Just then, a sudden flash of blue and red light from the window sliced through the tense atmosphere in the bedroom, and Sheila's heart skipped a beat.Backup had arrived.

Ben, however, did not welcome this change of events the way she did."Stay away!"he shouted, his voice cracking as he pressed the hammer closer to the terrified girl's temple."I swear I'll kill her if anyone tries to come in!"

Sheila heard the pounding of footsteps on the stairs, followed by someone knocking on the door.She clenched her fists, trying to keep her focus on the situation at hand.

"Sheila!Are you alright?"Finn's voice came from the other side of the door, filled with concern.

"I'm okay, Finn," she replied, forcing herself to sound calm despite her racing pulse."But you need to keep everyone back.Ben and I are just talking."

"Let me speak to him," Finn demanded.Sheila looked at Ben, who shook his head at her.

"He doesn't want to talk to you right now," she said to Finn.

"No?"There was a hard edge to his voice."What does he want then, pray tell?"

"I need you to trust me, Finn," Sheila said, her voice carrying a sense of urgency she hoped he'd understand."Can you do that for me?Can you trust me?"

There was a momentary silence before Finn reluctantly agreed, his voice strained with worry."Alright, Sheila.I'll trust you.But I'm right here outside the door, okay?Just say the word, and I'll find a way in."

"Okay, Finn.Just make sure no one comes in without my say-so.It's very important."

Sheila's gaze locked onto Ben, studying his every move.He paced back and forth like a caged animal, sweat beading on his forehead.His breathing was labored, and the hand holding the hammer trembled ever so slightly.The teenage girl whimpered, her fear palpable in the air.

"Ben," Sheila began cautiously, "what happens now?"

His jaw clenched, eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape route."I don't know, okay?"he snapped, his voice laced with agitation."This wasn't supposed to happen like this."

"Then let's figure it out together," she said, trying to keep her tone as calm and level as possible."What do you want?"

"What do I want?"he asked, his chest heaving with pent-up fury."I want to get into my car and leave with the girl.Once I'm sure no one's following me, I'll let her go."

Sheila shook her head."You know they won't go for that, Ben.We need a different solution—one where everyone comes out of this alive."

He shrugged."You asked what I wanted, and I told you.I'm not leaving here in cuffs, if that's what you're thinking."

Sheila's heart raced as she locked eyes with Ben, his grip on the terrified teenage girl unwavering.The room seemed to close in around them, the tension thick and suffocating.

"Alright," she said, her voice steady despite the pounding in her chest."What if you take me instead?"

Ben's eyes narrowed, suspicion flickering across his face."What are you talking about?"

"I can convince the police to let you take me," she replied, trying to project an air of confidence."Once you're sure you've gotten away, you can release me.Everyone wins."

"Would you really trust me?"he asked, disbelief and desperation warring in his voice.

Sheila hesitated for a moment before answering."What choice do I have?"

He considered her words, his grip on the girl loosening just slightly."You know some kind of martial arts," he said, referring to their earlier fight."How do I know you won't try something once we're alone?"

"Simple," she replied, her mind racing as she formulated a plan."I'll handcuff myself.Can't be that dangerous with my hands cuffed together, right?"

Ben seemed to weigh her proposal, his eyes darting between her and the girl as he tried to decide if it was worth the risk.Finally, he nodded."Tell the police.But remember, any tricks, and both of you will pay."

"Understood," she said, praying that she could pull this off.Her eyes locked with Ben's, she mustered every ounce of determination she had and shouted to Finn, "Finn, Ben and I are going to leave in his car.Nobody follows us.Once he's sure we're not being followed, he'll let me go."
