Page 5 of Silent House

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She had previously thought that her background as a kickboxer had taught her all the self-defense skills she needed, but she'd quickly learned that she would need a new skill set for the type of streetfighting law enforcement sometimes required.Unlike kickboxing, this kind of fighting wasn't about technique or form, but about survival.Sheila had learned how to use her surroundings to her advantage, how to strike quickly and efficiently, and how to incapacitate her opponent as quickly as possible.

Now she felt ready for anything—physically, anyway.The emotional toll of working a case involving the murder of an entire family was another matter.

The door to Natalie's office remained closed, despite her knocking, so she took a moment to survey the chaotic scene unfolding in the sheriff's department.Phones rang incessantly while deputies scurried back and forth, clutching coffee cups and stacks of paperwork.The energy in the room was palpable; it was certainly not a place for the faint-hearted.She imagined what it would be like to don the uniform and truly be a part of this world.

"Hey, Sheila," a voice said, snapping her back to reality.She turned to see Finn walking toward her, his deputy uniform crisp and clean.He had an easy swagger, probably something he had picked up during his days as a fighter pilot, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Looking for your sister?"he asked.

Sheila nodded."Something about a murder investigation?"

Finn slipped his hands into his pockets and sighed."Well, she's not here, I'm afraid."

"Really?"Sheila asked, surprised."Where is she, then?"

Finn ran a hand through his disheveled hair, appearing somewhat flustered."She told me she was feeling under the weather and needed some sick time.She didn't mention anything to you?"

"No, she didn't," Sheila replied, furrowing her brow.This wasn't like Natalie at all.Her sister was tough as nails and hardly ever took a day off.Something felt off, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Finn's phone buzzed and he pulled it out."Sorry, just let me send a quick text…" He trailed off, his fingers typing away in a flurry.

"Everything alright?"Sheila asked, noting the tension in his posture.

"Uh, yeah," Finn said, pocketing his phone and offering an apologetic smile."It's just that things don't run as smoothly when Natalie isn't around.I'm technically in charge of this investigation now, but I had been planning on her being here to help guide us through it.Then she changed plans at the last minute."

"Sounds like we're both feeling a little lost without her," Sheila admitted, her mind racing with worry for her sister.What could have caused Natalie to suddenly take sick leave like this?She hadn't sounded ill.

"Come on," Finn said, motioning for her to follow him."We should head to the crime scene and get started.Maybe Natalie will join us later."

"Alright," Sheila agreed, following him out of the sheriff's department.As they walked, she couldn't help but ask, "Has Natalie been acting strange lately?Anything out of the ordinary?"

Finn seemed to consider her question for a moment before answering, "She's been a little down, I guess.But otherwise, she's been normal."

Sheila furrowed her brow, still not sure whether to read into things or not.Was there more going on with Natalie, or was it just her imagination?

They reached Finn's car, and Sheila slid into the passenger seat, her thoughts consumed by Natalie as they pulled out of the parking lot.

Driving through the small town of Coldwater, Utah, the quaint familiarity of the place was apparent in every detail.The streets were lined with modest, well-kept homes, each with its own tiny yard that showcased the care and attention of its occupants.The main street boasted a handful of local businesses – a diner, a hardware store, a small grocery market – all proudly displaying their hand-painted signs and welcoming smiles from the owners.

The sun cast a warm, golden glow over the town, illuminating the vibrant colors of the surrounding mountains.From afar, Sheila could see the shimmer of the Great Salt Lake, a reminder of the natural beauty that surrounded this seemingly peaceful community.

Yet within this picturesque town, darkness lurked, and Sheila felt a chill run down her spine despite the warmth of the day.She knew that beneath the surface of even the most idyllic places, secrets and danger often hid in plain sight.

As Finn navigated the streets, Sheila tried to focus on the upcoming investigation, pushing her concern for Natalie to the back of her mind.She reminded herself that she was here to learn, to grow, and to prove herself capable of handling whatever challenges lay ahead.Natalie could take care of herself.

"Four homicides," Finn said suddenly, breaking the silence between them."That's what we're dealing with."

Sheila took a slow breath and, with an effort, turned her mind back to the investigation."All one family, right?"she asked.

Finn nodded grimly."The Hubbards.Two parents, two teenage kids.They were all found hanging in the cemetery near their house."

"Damn," Sheila whispered, her hand instinctively going to cover her mouth in shock.The image of four lifeless bodies swinging from the branches of a tree in a graveyard made her shudder involuntarily."What kind of monster would do something like that?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Finn replied, his voice tight with anger."But I'll tell you this much—we're not going to rest until we find the person responsible and make sure they pay for what they've done."

"What do we know about the family?"Sheila asked.

"Well, you might be interested to know that they moved back here to Coldwater just a few months ago.They were in Seattle before that."
