Page 52 of Silent House

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Sheila couldn't take the suspense any longer."Listen, Doug, I've been waiting ten years to figure out why someone murdered my mother.Ten years.Do you have any idea what that's like?Can you imagine waking up every single day with a pit in your stomach, wondering if justice will ever be served?Wondering if you'll ever get closure?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the line.Sheila could hear Doug breathing heavily, but he didn't say anything.

"Please, Doug," she said."I need to know."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Doug spoke."Okay, Sheila.Okay.But you have to promise me something."


"You can't tell anyone else about this.Not your colleagues, not your friends, not even your boyfriend."

"I don't have a boyfriend," she said.

"Even better.This is serious, and if it gets out, it could put people in danger."

Sheila's heart raced.This was it.Finally, she was going to get some answers."What about my dad?"

"Your dad's an exception—the only exception, you understand?Nobody else."


"Promise me."

"I promise," she said, her voice shaking with anticipation.

"Alright," Doug said, his voice low and serious."Here's the deal.The reason you weren't able to speak with Rayland Bax is because he's protected."

"Protected?What do you—"

"He's an FBI informant."

"An informant?"Sheila stopped in her tracks, her heart sinking.The thought of Rayland being involved with the FBI had never crossed her mind."Are you sure?"she asked in a small voice.

"Apparently, he's been feeding them information on some big players in the drug world," Doug explained."He's been doing it for a while now, which is why they're keeping him under wraps."

Sheila stared out the window, her mind racing.This revelation complicated things even further.If Rayland was working with the FBI, then getting to him would be even more difficult than she'd initially thought.But she couldn't let this stop her.She needed to know if he had any involvement in her mother's murder, no matter the obstacles in her way.

"Even if he's an informant, I need to find out if he was involved in my mom's death," Sheila insisted, her determination unwavering."Who do I need to talk to in order to get permission to see him?"

Doug sighed, hesitating for a moment before answering."You'll need to speak with Agent Mitchell Collins.He's the one overseeing Rayland's case."

"Mitchell Collins," Sheila said, committing the name to memory.

"But don't tell him I directed you to him," Doug warned."Tell him...hell...tell him you saw him visiting the prison.I don't know.Just don't mention me, and don't make a big deal out of it, okay?"

"Okay," she said softly."Thanks, Doug."

"No problem.Best of luck, kiddo.The FBI isn't known for being overly cooperative when it comes to their informants, but maybe you'll be able to convince them."He didn't sound particularly optimistic.

"Oh, I can be convincing," she said."Thanks again, Doug."

"Give my best to your father.Take care."

Sheila hung up the phone.She considered contacting Collins directly (there had to be a way to track down his number), but instead she decided to call her father first.She trusted his judgment, and she knew he wouldn't try to talk her down from getting answers.

Her fingers trembled as she dialed his number, the gravity of Doug's revelations still sinking in.She could hear the faint ringing on the other end and held her breath, waiting for her father to pick up.

"Hey, Sheila," Gabriel said, his voice rough from a combination of years of smoking and shouting instructions at kickboxing students.
