Page 105 of Bound in Darkness

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But at least I don’t look so pale, and my hair has regained some of its shine, so that’s a plus.

Kneeling, I grab a pair of tall-heeled boots from my closet and slip them on, hoping they’ll give me the confidence boost I desperately need. Once I’ve zipped them, I straighten, giving myself one last once over before grabbing my phone from the nightstand as I stroll past it, humming Christmas carols to soothe my frayed nerves. I run my hand over the dress once more, smoothing the fabric, before opening my bedroom door.

Chase looks up from his position on the bed, whiskey eyes locking with mine. The desire simmering in them as he slowly drinks me in from head to toe is the biggest confidence boost I hope for.

He stands, moving toward me as though he’s spellbound. Once in the hallway, he looks right and then left, ensuring we’re alone, before embracing me. “Wow. You look fucking incredible.” He leans his forehead against mine, inhaling deeply.

“So do you.” I pull back slightly, admiring the light blue button-down shirt and black jeans he’s wearing. He’s been using the weight room in our basement downstairs since he was cleared to exercise and I swear, I can already feel the difference as my palms run over his biceps. “You’re so damn handsome.”

His heartfelt smile does things to my insides, making them quiver. Not for the first time tonight, I wish my birthday celebration would just be the four of us.Or better yet, just Chase and me.

“You ready?”

I blow out a breath, inhaling his steadfast courage. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Two hours later, I’m standing beside Jamie, faking a polite smile as I sip my punch. A few girls from school surround us, gossiping about the boys and fashion.

“Bet you can’t wait to get back to school.” Jessie Sanders, a brunette cheerleader, wrinkles her nose slightly as she takes a drink from the cup in her hand. “I’d be bored out of my skull if I had to stay home around my family this long.” She shudders before her gaze roams around the room, landing on Chase. “Course, if I had a foster brother that looked like him, I may not want to return to school, either.”

I bristle at her words. While I’m in agreement with her about Chase, jealousy surges through me as she eyes him like he’s a piece of meat.

Blowing out a breath, a feigned politeness. “My family isn’t bad. They’ve been supportive and haven’t been pushing me.” I shrug. “My parents picked up some assignments and I’ve been busy trying to catch up.”

Jessie isn’t finished yet. Her eyes sparkle mischievously as she leans forward, exposing a lot of cleavage as the skimpy top she’s wearing shifts, her large breasts pushing against the fabric. “What was it like? Being held captive?” There’s an excited vibe radiating from her as she licks her lips, practically salivating at the chance to hear juicy gossip straight from the horse’s mouth.

It feels as though someone dumped a cold bucket of water over my head. I’m frozen, blinking at her in disbelief that she has the nerve to say something so callous.

As she expectantly waits for me to answer, bouncing from one foot to another, the rage begins burning inside my belly. It thaws my frozen skin as my blood boils from her ignorance.

Sarcasm drips from my tone as I spit out, “Oh, it was so much fun being bound by ropes, drugged, and then raped, especially with an audience of men in hooded robes watching me lose my virginity. One of them carved my skin with their cult symbol. Fun times.”

Jamie, Jessie, and the rest of the girls around me audibly gasped, staring at me like I grew another head.

But I’m just getting started. “You want me to show you the road where we were captured? Maybe you’ll get lucky, and the other members of the cult will be searching for their next sacrifice.” Eying her skimpy top disdainfully, I flash her a cruel grin. “I’m sure you’d draw their attention wearing that outfit.” Then I spin around, rushing toward the kitchen. My heart pounds inside my ears as I rush over to the refrigerator and open the door, letting the cool air wash over my overheated skin.

Warm hands slide over my hips. Inhaling deeply, I breathe in his familiar musk and amber scent, basking in the comfort his touch and smell provides. Closing my eyes, I lean against Chase, the tension dissipating from my body.

“What did that bitch say to you?” he whispers in my ear.

My eyes pop open as I look up at him over my shoulder. I reiterated the conversation I had with her.

His fury is palpable, his body quivering against mine. “That was uncalled for.” His fingers dig into my hips, and when I look down at them, corded veins stand up in his hands and forearms that are revealed from his shirt sleeves being rolled up. There’s something so inherently sexy about it.

“You want me to kick her out?”

All my anger vanishes from his words. “Nah. Let her be uncomfortably shocked and appalled at my words.”

Chase lowers his head, warm breaths flowing over my neck from his chuckle. I smile at the sound, but it quickly fades when his lips nuzzle the spot on my neck that he so easily finds.

“I love what you told her. I bet she was irate at your comment about her outfit.”

Giggling, I tilt my head, giving him access to my neck. “She was. But who cares about?—"

“Oh, there you are.” My mom’s voice sends a tendril of panic down my spine and I jump, banging my arm on one of the shelves in the fridge. Chase immediately releases me, stepping back and running a hand through his hair, avoiding her eyes.

Closing the refrigerator door, I shoot her a nervous smile, analyzing her face for disapproval at having caught me in Chase’s arms. Her face is oddly blank, leaving me without a clear answer.

“I was just getting a bottle of water.” I offer feebly, my voice quivering.
