Page 108 of Bound in Darkness

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“What’s not to love?”

Mike pats my back. “And that’s why you’re the right guy for my daughter.” His smile is wistful. “I’m just sorry as hell the two of you had to go through that shit.” His expression hardens, a furious glint in his eyes. “I’d love to find any of those remaining fuckers and torture and kill them for what they did to you.”

I nod, the spark of determination flowing through my veins like electricity. He has no idea how often I’ve thought about Killian, Daemon, and those other fuckers, wishing I could punish them for what they did to us. “Me too, Mike.”

One day, I will make those motherfuckers pay for what they did to us.

Mike grabs his glasses, settling them on his face, and I head to his office door ahead of him. My hand is on the doorknob as I look at him over my shoulder. “You’re not furious with me for what I did and planning to throw me out of the house?”

Mike grins at me, shaking his head. “No, Chase. First, I appreciate you defending my daughter and yourself. Second, I saw those fuckers dumping something from a flask into their drinks and they were outside, smoking weed earlier. Even though they’re intoxicated and high, that doesn’t give them the right to say the shit they spouted off. But it gives me leverage.” His smile widens, his eyes twinkling. “Since they’re underage, I’m sure I can get them to agree to keep quiet about what transpired here tonight. After all, I’d hate to tell their parents the shit I heard them say in front of a bunch of witnesses.” The sarcastic edge in his voice causes me to chuckle. He pats my shoulder. “Glad you’re smiling again. Just try not to put me in this position again, okay?” He slugs my arm lightly before winking and nodding at me to open the door.

He throws his arm around me as we walk out of the room. “Besides, I owe you for the way you take care of my daughter.” His smile is genuine. “Man, you really love her. You have a ton of patience with that girl. I love her to death but she can be challenging.” He winks at me, letting me know he’s teasing. “In all seriousness, you’re good for her. And she’s good for you.”

Mike drops his arm, then says, “Let me go check on Pearl and make sure she has things under control,” before bounding down the stairs.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I follow behind him. Trepidation fills me as I think of the judgmental looks our classmates are going to give me.

Even worse will be Pearl’s reaction.

Mackenzie rushes over as soon as I hit the last step. “You okay?”

I nod, the tension draining from my body because the most important person to me, the only one who really matters in this room, isn’t angry at me. “I’m better now.”

I desperately want to pull her against me, but I’m well aware of the curious stares of the partygoers surrounding us. Most of them look away, already moving on to the next topic of conversation.

My gaze moves to Mike, who is currently talking to Pearl, Alex, and Brady in hushed tones. “I really like your Dad. We had a good chat.” I grin as my gaze roams over Mackenzie’s puzzled expression.

“I’m glad. He and I are close.” A smile tugs at the corners of her lips. “You looked like you were on your way to a beheading when you followed him upstairs.”

A low chuckle comes from my lips. “I felt like it. I had no idea what was going to happen after… that.” I nod in the direction of Alex and Brady.

Mackenzie shrugs. “Dad’s reasonable. Mom on the other hand…” She scowls in her direction. “She’s driving me bat shit crazy tonight.”

Mike’s words roll through my head. “It’s hard on her, Kenz. She lost your brother… Then you were captured. I think she’s struggling.”

Mackenzie’s eyes soften when they lock with mine. “There’s that maturity again.” She leans forward, her hand on my forearm. “It’s sexy as hell.”

My heart thumps faster as I inhale the sweet scent of her perfume. My dick stirs inside my pants, and I have to internally lecture myself to calm down. “Oh yeah.”

“I can’t wait until Mom and Dad leave for work tomorrow. I’ve fantasized about having sex by the Christmas tree.”

Grabbing her hand, I tug her toward the kitchen, desperate to get her alone. Once we are in the dining room with no one around, I spin around and pull her into my arms. “Whatever you desire, angel.” My head lowers, lips gently nuzzling the side of her neck. “I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t walk.”

Her breath hitches, and her grip tightens on my forearms, red nails curling into my skin. “I’m holding you to that.”

I smirk at her. “I always keep my promises to you, angel.”



When I open my eyes, I spot a candy cane with a note tied around it lying on my pillow. I blink a few times, a smile curling up my lips. Supporting myself on my elbows, I tug on the red satin bow and open the note.

Santa Baby,

Rumor has it you possess magical powers and know if I’ve been naughty or nice.

Prove it.
