Page 114 of Bound in Darkness

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I’m sure the events at my birthday celebration fueled the gossip these students live for.

Jamie and Jessie slide into the seats behind me and my body goes rigid. I glance at them over my shoulder, unable to fake a smile in response to their big, fake ones.

Class begins and we’re only about ten minutes into the lecture when Jessie loudly whispers to Jamie, “I guess Mackenzie got tired of fucking her foster brother and finally decided to return to school.”

Tears welled in my eyes as Jamie choked out a laugh, disguising it as a cough. The teacher turned around, shooting us quizzical looks, before continuing with her lecture.

As if he has ESP, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I discreetly pulled it out, relief filling me when I saw a text from Chase.

Chase: How’s it going, angel?

Me: Pretty shitty. I wish you were here.

Chase: Me too. I’m glad we have lunch and then math class together.

Me: Thank goodness. I hate it here.

Chase: What’s Jamie and Jessie doing to you?

Me: The bitches of Eastwick are being catty. Mean girl shit.

Chase: Give em the middle finger.

I nearly laugh out loud. Clamping a hand over my mouth, I glance at the teacher to make sure she hasn’t noticed me texting before responding.

Me: Thanks for making me smile. I needed that.

Chase: Anytime, angel. I live for your smiles

Me: I live for you. And for us.

Chase: I love you, angel.

Me: I love you, whiskey tango.

I keep my phone in my lap, drawing strength from Chase’s texts. It keeps the loneliness from overwhelming me. Because right now, the only person in this school who is on my side is Chase.

Gazing out the window, guilt slices through my chest when the memories wash over me of how mean I once was to him. I did everything to make him feel unwelcome, hoping he’d leave. Now, I feel like shit for hurting the one who has always been loyal to me. The only one who cared enough to examine my behavior and understand why I was acting that way.

It’s ironic how things change. Chase went from being my enemy to my savior.

Now he’s my lover and the one my heart beats for.




After dropping Mackenzie off at her first-period class, I rush down the hallway toward my Chemistry class, twisting and turning my body to avoid hitting other students loitering in the hallways, unconcerned about being late to class. Unlike me.

Ignoring the stares and strange looks from students, I hurry into my class. My gaze goes around the room, landing on Jeffrey Graham, a member of the track team and one of the few students who has been friendly toward me pre-captivity.

I nervously shift from one foot to another, wondering how he’ll perceive me now.

Jeff looks up from his laptop, a warm smile on his face. “Hey, Chase. Come sit over here.”

Relief spreads through me. His smile seems genuine, as does his desire to have me sit beside him.
