Page 122 of Bound in Darkness

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The memories of that horrific time crash through my mind, whirling through it like a bad nightmare that you can’t wake up from, no matter how hard you try.

Finally, I say, “I was willing to give up my life to save hers. I made a deal with the devil to keep him from…” the words get stuck in my throat. “To keep him from assaulting her.”

Jeff stares at me, but I don’t turn my head. I can’t look at him. The things we endured… I don’t feel comfortable going into specifics unless it’s with my therapist. And that’s so I can heal from all this shit.

“Sorry, Chase. I don’t mean to pry at all or stir up bad memories.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. “I’m just glad the two of you made it out and are working through it. I’m sorry as fuck the two of you went through that shit. The worst things sometimes happen to the best people.”

I mull over his words a few beats before I give him a smile. “Thanks, Jeff. It really sucks. But we’re doing our best to move on.”

“That’s all you can do, Chase.” He glances at Mackenzie and then back to me. “And you have one another to lean on. Someone who understands exactly what the other endured.”

“True. It’s teamwork. Whenever one of us is feeling weak, hopeless, or in a dark place, the other is there. We pull each other back to the light.” A couple runs toward us, and I shut my mouth, nodding at them as we pass, before continuing. “What we went through should have ripped us apart. But it brought us closer. Yet, it makes sense. When you endure pure hell at the hands of the most sadistic bastard you ever met, it bonds you. We relied on one another. We trusted each other implicitly. That was the only way we were going to survive.” I pause for a moment, my emotions running high. “I hated the shit she went through. I’ll always live with the guilt and remorse that I couldn’t stop it. And maybe it’s selfish to think this, but there’s no one else I would have wanted to endure hell with. If I had to do it again with her, I would because I love her that damn much. No way would I want her to go through that shit alone.”

“Damn, Chase. That’s deep.” Respect and awe are in his eyes. “You’re a fucking hero man.”

“No.” My expression darkens as I recall the deal with the devil. Watching those sacrifices while I stood by, not doing a damn thing to stop them because I couldn’t risk her. She was all that mattered to me. She still is and always will be. “I’m not a hero. I made some choices many would believe were wrong.”

“You made them for her, right? Because you love her.”

“Yes. And I’d do it again. And again to save her.”

“Any choice made out of love is the right choice, Chase. I don’t care what anyone says.” He pats my shoulder. “You’re a helluva good person. I’m glad to call you my friend.”

My smile is genuine. “So are you, Jeff. I’m happy to call you my friend. Thanks for listening.”

“Anytime, Chase. That’s what friends do.”

I really like Jeff. It’s good to have a friend and someone on my side.

After our run, Mackenzie ordered pizza. The four of us are sitting in the living room of the Collins house, stuffing ourselves while watching a movie, when Pearl and Mike come home.

“Hey, everyone.” Mike has a big smile on his face as he meets each of our eyes. He comes over and kisses Mackenzie’s cheek, then holds out his fist to me. I grin, bumping it.

When he walks away, my gaze locks with Pearl’s. She’s frowning, her eyes lingering on how close Mackenzie and I are sitting, before she stiffly greets everyone, then heads to the kitchen.

My entire body is tense. Luckily, Jeff points at a scene in the movie, and shakes his head. “Come on. That’s not realistic.”

I laugh. “Maybe not. But you’ve gotta admit, it gets your attention.”

Jeff shakes his head, his arm around Mel, before taking a drink. “Yeah, but it’s fake. Too unrealistic.”

Mel shakes her head. “Oh, God. It’s a movie. Just stop.”

Jeff pretends to put her in a head lock and Mel squeals, yelling at him for messing up her hair. Mackenzie and I laugh at them.

Leaning over, I whisper in her ear. “Need anything, angel?”

She grins. “Just you.”

“You’ve got me.” I glance over my shoulder, ensuring Pearl and Mike aren’t around before I kiss her. When we part, I grin. “I mean, a refill on your drink.”

“Nope. I’m good.”

I squeeze her leg beneath the blanket. “How about you, Jeff and Mel.” I hold up my empty bottle of soda. “Need a refill?”

Mel declines but Jeff asks for another soda.

Grabbing his empty bottle and mine, I wink at Mackenzie before heading to the kitchen. I’m whistling as I step inside but my body tenses the second my eyes meet Pearl’s.
