Page 125 of Bound in Darkness

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I nod. “It’s silly to keep sitting here. The garage is attached to the house after all.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I do. That was my poor attempt at a joke.”

Chase grins at me. “Points for effort. Stay there, and I’ll open your door.”

Leaning against the upholstery, I watch Chase round the front of the vehicle, marveling at how sexy he is. And sweet. I love his protectiveness and possessiveness toward me. Even though I’ve always considered myself strong-willed and independent, I can’t deny how much I love Chase going feral to protect me.

Chase opens the door for me, extending his hand. I take it, sliding out of the vehicle. “Have I told you how amazing you are lately? And how much I love you.”

The door slams behind me and he pushes me against it, pinning my body with his. “Ummm…” He rubs his nose against mine. “You have, but I never tire of hearing it from you. I love you to the moon and back. You’re my universe.”

Tears of happiness and gratitude stream down my face. Until another boom of lightning makes me jerk in his arms, before I shake my head, feeling foolish. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Chase’s lips cover mine. “Come on, angel. Let me tuck you in bed. I’ll sleep with you tonight and sneak back to my room before morning.”

“Thank you, Chase. You’re the best.”



The pounding on my door rouses me from sleep. “Mackenzie? I have a package for you.”

Fear courses through me as my arm automatically shoots out to shake Chase’s shoulder and wake him. But I’m met with cool sheets. Relief fills me as my mom pushes my bedroom door open without hesitation.

“Mom. I just woke up.” I sit up, hugging the blankets to my bust. When I glance down at myself, I’m relieved I’m wearing one of Chase’s T-shirts. We curled up in my bed together, and I trembled like a leaf every time the thunder cracked or lightning flashed. Chase decided to distract me, which resulted in us naked, his cock deep inside me. His movements were slow and leisurely, lips covering mine to keep me quiet.

He must have dressed me in the T-shirt before he left my room. I was so exhausted, I didn’t wake up.

My mom eyes me suspiciously. “What does that matter?” Her sharp, penetrating gaze moves slowly around the room.

“Mom, no boys are hiding in the closet.” I blow out another sigh, impatience coursing through me. “I’m eighteen and just want a little privacy. Especially considering I had none in captivity.”

She pales, her hand moving to her throat. “Must you remind me of that dark time? I think it would be better for you to try and forget about it. Dwelling on it just impedes your healing.”

I stare at her like she’s grown another head.

She releases a sigh and changes the subject. “Anyway, this came for you.” She presents the vase of flowers she’s been holding behind her back, a wide smile on her face. “I couldn’t help but notice the card says they are from Alex.”

I gaze at the red roses suspiciously, wondering what game he’s playing. He’s been ignoring me since I returned to school unless he sees me with Chase. Then he snorts and rolls his eyes before whispering to his friends.

“Thanks. Just set them on my nightstand.”I’ll throw them away later.

My mom does as I ask, plucking the card from their midst and handing it to me. I take it from her, staring at the small envelope, dread winding through my stomach like a snake.

“Aren’t you going to read it?”

“In private, Mom. If you don’t mind.”

She beams at me, before turning and heading toward the door. “Alex is a nice guy. I know he messed up at the party, but maybe he’s trying to make amends.”

I wordlessly stare at her until she heaves out a dramatic sigh and exits my room.

What the hell is wrong with her?

Shaking my head, I open the envelope and pull out the card. I raise my brows as I read it.
