Page 126 of Bound in Darkness

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Sorry I was a dick at your belated birthday celebration. I’d like a chance to make it up to you.

I’m having a party next Saturday and I’d like you to come. Just you, Chase is NOT invited.

Let me know if you can make it.


The guy has lost his mind. There’s no way I’m going, especially without Chase.

I look up when I hear knuckles rapping against my open door. I feel like a deer caught in headlights as I stare into Chase’s smiling face.

His smile fades, then disappears when his eyes land on the flowers before sliding to the card in my hands.

“It’s from Alex.” I don’t miss the anger transforming his face. Although I know it’s not directed at me, it’s still unnerving. The words rush from my mouth, desperate to fill the awkward silence. “I don’t know what he’s up to, but I’mnotfalling for it.”

Chase’s strides eat the distance between us. He shocks me when he yanks the card from my fingers. His brows furrow as he reads it, his face turning a deep scarlet.

“Chase. You know I’m not going, right? And I was planning on throwing the flowers away?—”

His head jerks up, whiskey irises burning with anger. Grabbing the vase of flowers, he heads to my trash can, tossing the flowers in it. Then he rips the card into pieces, throwing it away. “Alex will be lucky if I don’t break this vase over his head.” Then he stomps from the room carrying the glass container, angrier than I’ve seen him in a long time.

Pulling my knees up, I rest my forehead on them. “What a great start to the day,” I sarcastically mumble.

Despite my fears, the rest of the weekend and the beginning of the week go smoothly. After Chase’s “flower tantrum,” as I refer to it, Chase didn’t say another word about it, returning to the easygoing, sweet guy I’m desperately in love with.

Sunday afternoon, we hung out with Jeff and Melody, going for a run and heading to the ice cream parlor afterward, despite the freezing temperatures. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were an uneventful school day, despite my worry Chase would make good on his threat and smash the vase over Alex’s head.

Today is Thursday, and as I peer into the mirror, examining my appearance, I’m feeling hopeful about my first one-on-one session with Emersyn after school.

The day is flying by, and my growling stomach reminds me that lunch is in fifteen minutes. My phone vibrates and I discreetly look at it.

Chase: I need to meet with my teacher after class to discuss this project. I’ll join you for lunch as soon as I’m done. Save me a seat at the table?

Me: No problem. Always, love.

Chase: XOXO beautiful. Miss you.

Me: Miss you. Can’t wait to see you.

When class ends, I hurry to my locker, putting the books I don’t need inside, grabbing the ones from my afternoon classes, and shoving them inside. As I slam it shut, Mel hurries toward me, a smile on her face.

“Hey, Kenz.” Mel’s stomach rumbles when she stops beside my locker. “I’m starving.” Her hand rubs over her stomach as she giggles.

I laugh. “Me, too. I understand completely.” Looking over her shoulder, my brows draw in. “Where’s Jeff?”

“He had to meet with the coach. It’s supposed to be brief. He said he’ll join us.” She looks around, her brows furrowed questioningly. “Where’s Chase?”

“He had to talk to his teacher about his project. He’ll join us as soon as he’s done.”

Mel links her arm through mine. “Girl time. Cool.”

Giggling, we head to the cafeteria, making plans for the weekend. We animatedly chat while piling our trays with food, then head to an empty table to eat. Jeff has a track meet on Saturday, but Chase can’t run since he’s catching up on schoolwork.

As we debate how we’ll fit in all we’d like to do, Jeff slides into the vacant chair beside Melody, setting his heaping tray of food on the table before kissing her on the cheek. “Hey, Kenz.”

“Hey, Jeff. How?—”
