Page 128 of Bound in Darkness

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Shit. Chase is going to be in trouble.“Chase.”I jump out of my seat, about to launch myself at him, when security dashes through the sea of students surrounding us, grabbing ahold of Chase and yanking him off Alex. The other hovers over Alex, checking over his injuries.

Chase’s chest heaves from his pants as his gaze moves to mine. Tears are rolling down my face from the worry that’s causing my mind to churn over worst-case scenarios.

Alex straightens, wiping his bloody nose with his sleeve. His eyes burn with rage and vindictiveness as he glances at me, then at Chase. A smirk twists his lip. “Always gotta be the hero, huh, Chase? Jealous over any guy who’s a threat and wants to fuck your hot little sister that you’re boning every night.”

A growl roars from Chase’s lips as he breaks away from the security guard, his fist flying. Only this time, Alex ducks and Chase connects with the guard standing behind Alex.

As the security guard falls to the floor, I close my eyes and whisper, “motherfucker.”

I know Chase didn’t mean to hit the guard. The horrified expression on his face clearly indicates that.

But the smug look on Alex’s face when he meets my eyes tells me he just set Chase up.



Istare at the floor as I’m lead from the cafeteria, security guards on each side of me, a vice grip around my upper arm, as though they’re afraid I’ll turn around and run back to Alex, beating the shit out of him again. Or that I’d try to escape, running out the front doors of the school to freedom.

I fucked up. I shouldn’t have beaten the hell out of Alex in the middle of the cafeteria with all those students there to witness me losing my shit.

It couldn’t be helped. I lost my mind when I walked through the cafeteria doors, anxious to see Mackenzie. Being near her, breathing the same air she does, makes me feel alive. The apple scented lotion she wears reminds me of the warm apple pie Stacey Hammondused to bake.

Instead of her warm smile and glowing face, Alex Barnes hovered over her, whispering shit in her ear. Her muscles were tense, spine rigid, and the fear wafting from her was palpable. She was so uncomfortable it hit me like walking through a cloud of dust, choking me.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, Mackenzie had a full on panic attack seconds later. I sensed it, even as I ran toward her, weaving my way around students and shoving others who refused to move out of my way in my attempt to get to her.

When I did, I pried Alex off her, throwing him against the chairs behind us. Her eyes met mine and my heart stuttered inside my chest. Mackenzie wasn’t there. She was back in the attic with her attacker, Orpheus. She had that same wide-eyed panicked look on her face as she did when he was raping her on the floor.

I completely lost my shit, wanting to tear his limbs off and beat him with them for the damage he did to her. She was being haunted by the monster I killed because of this seventeen-year-old immature jackass, and I wanted to make him pay.

Reality is smacking me in the face. He’s seventeen. Technically, a minor. He didn’t fight back, lying there and taking my hits. I came across as the aggressor. A bully. Alex didn’t even defend himself.

Jesus. What’s going to happen? Will they suspend me from school? Or worse, put me in jail since I accidentally hit the security guard.

All these questions whirl through my head like a freight train barreling down a track. My mouth is dry, and my throat constricts at the thought of being in jail, away from Mackenzie. My brows furrow and I bite my lip as I walk between the security guards on the way to Principal Martin’s office.What will Pearl think when she finds out what I did? She’s been so cold to me since the fight at Mackenzie’s birthday party.This will only make things worse.

Regret hits me hard as images of me losing my shit in the school cafeteria hit me hard. I’m not at all remorseful for defending Mackenzie. But it was a poor choice to do it in public with so many witnesses around.

The conflict between Alex and me over Mackenzie since the school year began whirls inside my head as I’m led past the secretary and directly into the principal’s office. I never got caught for any of those things.

Brady Hall and I had an altercation at the track meet where he deliberately tripped me so he could win. We had words after the race, and I poked my finger into his chest. It wasn’t until Brady ran his mouth and got too close to Mackenzie that I lost my shit and punched Brady.

The coach screamed at me afterward, but Mackenzie came to defense, telling him what Brady said to her.

My mouth is drier than cotton when I search the principal’s furious scarlet face when he turns around from the window, his hands in his pockets. “Sit down, Chase.” He gestures toward a chair, and I immediately comply.

A few minutes later, Alex enters the room, holding a cloth beneath his bloody nose. His right eye is swollen, and his lip is split from my fists.

“I’ve already been informed what happened and called your foster parents and your parents.” Principal Martin glares at me, then at Alex. “I want to hear your version of events first, Alex. Then Chase will provide his. While Alex is talking, you are to remain quiet and vice versa.” Placing his palms flat on the desk between us, he leans forward, his gaze boring into me, then Alex. “Is that understood?”

I nod, my shoulders curling inward and my chest caving in. I drag my sweaty palms over the legs of my jeans, wishing I had some water. Better yet, I wish I could flee this office and find Mackenzie and make sure she’s okay.

Twenty minutes later, Mike and Pearl, as well as Alex’s parents, sit inside the principal’s office. I met Pearl’s eyes when she walked in, the disdain on her face making me feel I’m about to vomit. There’s no way she’s going to vouch for a lenient punishment. Worse yet, I’m certain any chance of her accepting that Mackenzie and I are in love has been shot to hell.

Despair fills me as I slump in the chair. When Pearl’s voice fills the room, I wince, my heartbeat in my throat from her question.

“What happens now? What will be the consequences of Chase’s behavior?”
