Page 132 of Bound in Darkness

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My mom stands in the kitchen, her arms folded over her chest, glaring at me. I glare back, mimicking her pose, standing my ground.

This isn’t going well. At all.

“I’m not giving Chase up, Mom. Period.” I grit out, snarling at her. “Not an option.”

“Mackenzie. He was just arrested. His temper is out of control.”

“Out of control?” I stare at her in disbelief, my mouth hanging open as I shake my head. “Are you serious? He wasdefendingme because of what Alex did.”

“I think you’re blowing that out of proportion, Kenz. Alex saw that you were alone and came over to talk to you. He probably stood that close to whisper in your ear so everyone wouldn’t hear. I’m sure it was hard for him to approach you and?—”

“That’s not it at all!” I push my hands through my hair, so frustrated I could spit nails.When the hell is she gonna get it that Alex is an asshole who only cares about what he wants?“Alex wanted to make me uncomfortable, Mom. He damn well knew what he was doing. For God’s sake, he sent me into a panic attack!”

“You have been suffering from those since Gavin… left. This one was an overreaction, though.”

“First, Gavin died, Mom. He’s not on a trip somewhere and will come home when he feels like it. He’s dead.”

“I know. Why must you keep reminding me?”

“Because of the things you say. But that’s not the point. How the hell can you coldly tell me my panic attack was an overreaction? Alex said inappropriate things and made me feel uncomfortable before this, Mom. He’s said things to Chase?—”

She snorts. “And Chase flips out because he wants to sleep with you. That’s all this is?—”

“He already has!” I scream, unable to control my temper any longer. “We’ve slept together several times, Mom. I love Chase and he loves me.”

“Jesus, Kenz.” My mom unfolds her arms, her hand moving to her heart, rubbing it as though she’s having a heart attack. “That is unacceptable behavior. You’re grounded. And this stops between you and Chase. Now! I won’t have my daughter dating some jailbird!”

I gasp, rearing back as though I’ve been slapped. I’m stunned by her words.

But it doesn’t last. The rage wells up inside me. “I’m eighteen years old, Mom. There’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me from being with Chase.” I’m shaking so hard I have to grab onto the counter to steady myself.

An arrogant smile curves her lips. “Yes, I can. That jailbird is no longer welcome in this house.”

I gape at her, my mouth hanging wide open, unable to believe her audacity.

“Now, wait a minute, Pearl,” my dad interjects, frustration and anger coming from him in waves. “You can’t just kick him out?—”

“I can and will. As Mackenzie pointed out, she’s eighteen, and so is he. But he’s not our son and I can damn well tell him to leave.”

“How dare you!”I’m screaming so loud, it hurts my throat and ears, but I don’t give a damn.“If you throw him out, I’m gone, too.”

“Mackenzie, please.” My dad holds up his hand, then looks at my mom. “Pearl. Take a deep breath. You’re being emotional, not rational.”

“No, I’m not. I know exactly what I’m doing. And Chase Landon is no longer welcome in this house!”

I stare at her, full of hatred and disgust. “Then consider me gone as well.” Whirling around on my heel, I run out of the room and go upstairs. Slamming my door, I throw myself on my bed, the tears falling.

Chase doesn’t have any money. How can she just kick him out? Where’s he supposed to live? How’s he supposed to afford to live anywhere?

My mom and dad’s loud voices penetrate my closed door. I sit up, wiping my eyes.Crying isn’t going to change anything.

Pulling my phone from my back pocket, I call Melody. When she answers, I don’t bother with pleasantries. “It’s Kenz. Can you pick me up? I’ll meet you across the street from my house.”

“Sure. I’ll be there in less than ten minutes.”

“Thanks a million.”

“No problem. See you soon.”
