Page 15 of Bound in Darkness

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Itraipse through the woods using the flashlight of my phone, my ears straining as I listen for any prospective danger, yelling Mackenzie’s name. Panic grips me as I chase the girl I shouldn’t care so much about. The one person I can’t stop thinking about.

I’m not giving up on you, Mackenzie. You can push me away. I’m used to it. But I’m not fucking leaving.

My heart quickens inside my chest as I spot her ahead. I quicken my steps, watching in horror as Mackenzie steps from the deep shadows of the forest onto the pavement of the road. There’s a hill a short distance ahead, and cars tend to speed down it.

To my horror, headlights illuminate the road as a car pops over the hill.

Instinctively, I take off after her, my pulse beating like a drum as my thoughts churn wildly.Get to her before she gets hurt. Or worse.

As my sneakers hit the pavement, I’m flabbergasted by Mackenzie running in the middle of the road toward the car, frantically waving her arm. The driver spots her, and the car slows, but it doesn’t shake the sense of impending danger from my gut.

I sprint after her, my muscles straining as I gain speed.“Mackenzie,” I shouted. “Get off the damn road. What the hell are you doing?”

She whips around, wet strands of hair flying around her head. “I’m flagging down help.” Her tone is matter of fact, completely unaware of the large black vehicle that’s stopped behind her and the bulky man getting out.

There’s a vibe radiating off him that’s predatory in nature. His eyes are locked on Mackenzie as though she’s a target.

I push my legs to go faster as he reaches her. Huge hands wrap around her arms, tugging her against his massive frame.

The fear on her face as she looks over her shoulder at him is like a knife through my chest. I’m close enough to them that I hear his chilling words.“Hello, gorgeous. You’re exactly what I’m looking for.”

My blood runs cold, then turns fiery as rage fills me.No fucking way. I won’t let him hurt her.Adrenaline courses through my veins as I brace for a fight.

As soon as I’m close to them, I grab Mackenzie’s hand, tugging her away from him. “Let go of her, motherfucker.”

Mackenzie crashes into my arms, her chest slamming into mine. I catch her with my other hand, still gripping her right arm like a vice. “I’ve got you, Kenz.”

Grateful eyes lock on mine. I give her a reassuring look, prepared to attack him, but he’s already on the offense. His massive hand sails over Mackenzie’s head, connecting with my jaw. The force knocks me back, making me stagger. Mackenzie comes with me since I refuse to let her go.

Before I can recover, the man punches me again.

And again.

Blood sprays from my mouth and nose, painting Mackenzie’s damp skin crimson.

“Chase.” Mackenzie’s scream fills my ears, but I’m powerless to reassure her, fear gripping me.

What if I’m unable to save her?

My gaze moves to the man with the white, upside-down cross painted on his face. Victory is in his eyes, and a vile smile slides over his lips as his hungry gaze drops to Mackenzie.

No way in hell, asshole.

Still gripping Mackenzie’s hand, I raise my right fist, putting everything I have into the punch. I connect with his jaw, the hit wiping the smile from the creep’s face, causing him to stagger back.

Adrenaline flows through me as I hit him again.

But he’s much taller and stronger than me, blocking my third hit with his left arm. Mackenzie screams as his fist connects with my cheekbone, the sickening crack making me stagger.

She tightens her grip on my arm, moving with me. I try to tell her to get behind me, but his fist flies at me again, connecting with my nose.

My body crumbles, the world darkening as the pavement comes up to meet me.

There’s only one thing I can do, and it’s the same thing I’ve been doing for the past year: I hold onto Mackenzie, refusing to let go.
