Page 151 of Bound in Darkness

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“Is that an option?” My grin is flirtatious, and I wiggle my brows, making him chuckle.

“Later, angel.” The low, raspy tone sends shivers of pleasure shooting down my spine and coiling inside my belly. “I promise.”

“Stop using that tone,” I whine, practically melting into my shoes as I walk beside him. “You know how it affects me.”

There’s a dark, sensual edge to his laugh. “Oh, I know, angel.” Stopping in front of the door, he puts one hand against the closed door, staring down at me.

I lift my hand to his shirt, walking my fingers up his torso, my eyes locked with his. “You sure you don’t wanna skip therapy?”

He leans so close to me that his lips practically touch mine. “Better idea. We go to therapy, get a coffee, and then have a quickie before we watch movies with Mel and Jeff.”

“That sounds perfect.” Raising on my tiptoes, I give him a kiss. “I love you.”

A pensive expression covers his face and I stare at Chase, alarmed. “Before I leave, there’s something I need to say.” He releases a ragged breath. “After Orpheus assaulted me, I felt emasculated. There were nights I’d lie in bed across the hall from you, feeling small and insignificant.” His shoulders sag, his chin lowering to his chest. My hands automatically rub over his chest in slow and soothing circles, wanting to take all his pain away.

“Around you, Ialwaysfeel like a man. Strong. Capable. Desirable.” The corners of his lips tug up in a smile. “Youmake me feel powerful. When I’m around you, I’m not a victim.” A small smile curls his lips. “You have no idea how muchyouaid in my recovery.” Grabbing my hand, he brings it to his lips. “You’re the light that pulls me from the darkness.”

“Chase,” his name is a breathless whisper. “I’ll always pull you from the darkness into the light. Just as you do for me.”

His smile is as bright as the sun, warming me from the inside out. “I’ve gotta go, angel. I just wanted you to know that.” He leans in and gives me a kiss, his gaze moving to the door. “Good luck in there. I’ll see you in an hour.” His voice is a whisper. “I love you. You’re my every fucking thing.” He backs away, staring at me with so much love in his eyes, our hands stretching between us until my fingers slip from his grasp.

Then he turns and walks away. I watch him go, my heart in my throat.

Chase knocks on Dr. Lawson’s door, giving me one final smile before heading inside.

I sag against the door, watching the love of my life disappear. Chase has aided me so much in my recovery. But today is the first time I realized how much I have helped him.

And that means the world to me.

I’m sitting across from Emersyn, slightly nervous yet hopeful she can help me deal with my trauma.

“The last time we talked, you shared an overview of what happened. I’m hoping we can talk more in-depth about the things you experienced in captivity and how it made you feel.”

I nod, rubbing my sweaty palms on my leggings. “Okay. Where should I begin?”

Emersyn smiles at me. I admire how open and friendly she is and the confidence and competence she has. “Wherever you want to begin, Mackenzie.”

Resting my back against the chair, I blow out a breath. “Let me start with the events that lead to the captivity. That fateful October day I snuck out of my room to attend a party, knowing my foster brother would come after me.”

Closing my eyes, I begin speaking.

I’m deep in the story, reliving every moment of it. But as soon as I say Rosario’s name, Emersyn’s shocked voice causes my eyes to fly open.

“Rosario?” Emersyn’s fingers touch her parted lips, staring at me with an incredulous look. “You said she wore a black, lacy veil that covered her face?”

I nod, confused by her reaction. “Yes. She wore it to hide the scars she sustained from Orpheus. I have no idea what he did to her, but she’d mentioned she’d been held captive in the same attic that Chase and I were locked inside.” I bite my lip, picturing Rosario stabbing the needle into the side of Orpheus’s neck, which made him stop his violent assault on Chase. He pulled out, but Rosario had the knife against his neck, slicing across it. “She saved us.”

Emersyn gasps, leaning forward in her chair so fast that her notepad tumbles to the floor. She’s completely unbothered by it as she stares at me intently, wide-eyed. “Did she ever mention anyone else in captivity with her?”

“Yes, she said there was another woman. She called her Emersyn…” My voice trails off as I stare at her, my eyes widening. Leaning forward, I study her intently. Her reaction to the mention of Rosario’s name is the piece of the puzzle that puts it all together. “Are you… the Emersyn who was with her?”

Her hand flutters to her throat as she nods. “I am,” she whispers, closing her eyes. Her hand wraps around a necklace, pulling it from beneath her top. The metal cross on the chain gleams beneath the fluorescent lights.

“Oh my God. Rosario said you died.”

Emersyn clears her throat. “I was unconscious. Orpheus and Rosario believed I was dead. When I came to, I was inside a wooden box. A c-coffin.” Her lips tremble, her big green eyes filled with tears. “I pounded and screamed against the lid, thinking no one would hear me. My breaths were ragged and heavy. I was hyperventilating and knew I was running out of oxygen. Luckily, a lost hiker in the woods heard me.”

I gasp, her words causing terror to go through me. I understand how she felt, having been shoved into a coffin with a glass lid before Orpheus dumped spiders on me.
